Forrest gump

Forrest Gump Historical Timeline

  • Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" is released.

    Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog" is released.
    This song won the Grammy Hall of Fame award.
  • The All American Football Team meets President JFK

    The All American Football Team meets President JFK
    This team was given the honor of meeting the president.
  • America begins its involvement in the Vietnam War

    America begins its involvement in the Vietnam War
    This is the first American casualty, marking the involvement of the US in the war.
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama.

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama.
    This was a very violent and well fought for cause they ended with two African-American students were admitted to the school.
  • President JFK was assassinated.

    President JFK was assassinated.
    In the afternoon, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
  • Moon landing.

    Moon landing.
    America lands on the moon.
  • Watergate.

    The huge political scandal that shortly after, Nixon resigned,
  • Vietnam Ends

    Vietnam Ends
    The war ends.
  • Nixon resigns.

    Nixon resigns.
    Shortly after the Watergate scandal, Nixon resigns to avoid impeachment.
  • Hurricane Carmen.

    Hurricane Carmen.
    The most intense cyclone of the 70s.
  • Apple Incoporated

    Apple Incoporated
    Apple becomes incorporated.
  • HIV/AIDS Outbreak

    HIV/AIDS Outbreak
    This was the beginning of the major outbreak of this disease.
  • John Lennon Assassination

    John Lennon Assassination
    John Lennon was assassinated in Manhattan, New York City, NY.