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Forrest Gump History!

  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    Forrest's mother got his name from the Founder of the KKK Nathan Bedford Forrest. The KKK is significant because they extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.
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    Vietnam War

    Forrest Gump went into the military and was sent to fight in the Vietnam War. This war started to stop the spread of communist. It was a long costly armed conflict. It involved the government of North Vietnam and its allies South Vietnam.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Forrest Gump and his mother allowed a lot of members stay with them including a famous guitar player name Elvis Presley. Elvis got his famous move from Forrest Gump and preformed it live at one of his concerts later that week.
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    Hippie Movement (counterculture)

    Jenny became apart of the counterculture after Forrest Gump left she became a hippie. The Hippie Movement was were middle class students started leaving on their on. The did drugs and created the peace sign. They had sit-ins and took over college buildings.
  • Integration in the University of Alabama

    Integration in the University of Alabama
    George Wallace stood at the school doors to block black students from entering he demanded segregation forever. This is significant because it deals with Segregation and how blacks and whites were not allowed to go to the same school, George Wallace had an unsuccessful run for the presidency.
  • John F. Kennedy's Assassination

    John F. Kennedy's Assassination
    President JFK was elected president in 1960 and was assassinated in 1963. He created the new frontier that described his goals and policies. The people in the twentieth century had to rise to new challenges.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    Jenny was apart of the counterculture and she was with a member who knew the Black Panther Party. The BPP was a violent group that advocated to protect African American neighborhoods from act of police brutality.
  • John Lennon

    John Lennon
    In the movie, Forrest got to meet John Lennon on a television show "The Dick Cavett Show". John Lennon is a famous singer and songwriter and co-founder in the Beatles.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    In the movie, Forrest was watching on television the moon landing. Neil Armstrong was landing and steeping on the moon. This is significant because this put the US ahead in the moon race against the soviet union.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    Forrest Gump found interest in the table game called Ping Pong (table tennis). He even went to compete in the Ping Pong Diplomacy. This is Significant because it is this paves a way to a visit to Beijing by President Nixon.
  • Smiley Face

    Smiley Face
    The smiley face t-shirt is significant to Forrest because he created something that became apart of pop culture. This is also significant because he is mentally challenged and he created something very cleaver.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Forrest Gump was led to the Watergate hotel by President Richard Nixon and got to witness the Watergate Scandal. The Watergate Scandal occurred in the 1970s when five men attempted a break in and was connected to President Nixon and he was trying to cover up the tapes.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    In the Movie, while Forrest and Lt.Dan was getting lunch at port they were watching the second assassination attempt on Gerald Ford. He was the 38th president and was the vice President of Nixon. After Nixon resigned Ford became President. Ford was the first vice president to be chosen under the terms.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane Carmen was a major Atlantic hurricane that made landfall in 1974. Carmen was originated as a tropical storm. In the Movie Forrest Gump had his boat "Jenny" out at sea and the hurricane did not stop him from trying to catch shrimp. Hurricane Carmen was a category 4 hurricane.
  • Aids Epidemic

    Aids Epidemic
    In the Movie, Jenny started doing Play boy and was sleeping around where she caught aids which she died from. Aids is a virus that can kill you and you can catch it from anyone and it is not curable.