Final American Cultures project for Mr. Horne

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    Presidents of America

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    Abraham Lincoln

    in 1861 Lincoln was sorn in as president along side Hanibal Hammlin as vice president. Shortly after being in office many succeded in the south, which began the Civil War. The Civil War last about 4 years, which the Union won and was perserved. Lincoln was unfortunatly assinated by John Wilkes Booth. Andrew Johnson was sorn in as president who became VP during Lincolns second term.
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    Andrew Johnson Presidency

    After the death of Lincoln, Johnson was sworn in as president. proclamations summarizing his recommendations for the restoration of Confederate states to the Union. First piece of legislature is he grants amnesty to all white southerners who take a loyalty oath. by doing so, they will regain their property. Through his presidency saw black codes in the south, and him vetoeing a Civil Rights Bill. After removing the secertary of War, his impeachment trial happen. He was not. He lost the GOP nom.
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    Ulysses S. Grant

    During Grant Presidency many new building plans for the U.S had started and were becoming near completed. The first Trans-continental railroad is completed, the construction of the Brrooklyn Bridge, and the edition of new buildings in cities. With Scandals lurking after "Black Friday" about Ordering 4 Million worth of Gold. He readmiited the ex-confederate states if they passed inspection, As well as getting one of the first Civil Rights Bill passed in Congress.
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    Rutherford B. Hayes

    In June of his first year the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 occured. He sent the federal reserve there to keep mail safe and able to reach familes, which the strike led to anti-chineese in the west. Second big issue was the currency question, about weather the currency should be back by. The coinage act of 1873 was stated to be backed by Gold and demonitized silver. Gold became the only standard in the U.S. and silver miners called it the crime of 73.
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    Chester A. Arthur

    Chester Aurther was a republican who other then having a godly beard. He is known for his civil reform of public goods, such as the people in the postal service were highly overpaid. After the Civil war the Government had a surplus, what was decided was reduce rates on certain items by less that 2 percent. which the Republican party wanted higher protective tariffs.
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    Grover Cleveland

    The first big issue of his presidency was weather the currency should be backed by gold and silver or Gold alone. Grover supported for Gold alone, which the Bland-Allison Act which said the government had to put Silver Dollars in circulation. His Civil Rights reform was to rethink recontruction for the blacks and that Chineese immigrants who left the U.S. could not return. Grover was also a pretty big guy.
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    William McKinley

    During McKinley`s presidency saw the Spanish-American War escalate for Cuban Independence, which the U.S. won and controled Cuba. He easily won second term with the win and rolling on the Gold Standard. Soon after his second term he was assinated.
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    Tedodore Roosevelt

    After leading the Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War, we became vice president during McKinleys second term. After his death he became president and first focus on the Trust Busting the un-fair trusts between companies. Also the pure food act to make sure all package food was inspected. He also know for his "Big Stick" Policy, which protected South American countires from debt collecting. The U.S. would help them so no European power has any control over an South American country.
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    Woodrow Wilson

    During Wilsons presidency saw the creation of the Federal Reserve which would distrubute the money among the banks. He also saw the passing of the right for women to vote in election. The leading us through the Great War, which in tirn started the building block for the United Nations, the League of the Nations. Finally the ratifaction of the 18th amendment, which saw the prohibition of Alchol.
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    Calvin Coolidge

    Coolidge was sworn in after Harding`s death. He most notable task was to lower taxes or to elimnate them for many low paying Americans and only the 2% would pay any form of high taxes. he was most known for his aid for farmers and his kicking out the influence of the KKK during his term, to which he worked for Egual Rights for blacks, since they served the country during the Great War under draft, which none evaded.