film events

  • Horse Race

    Horse Race
    n english man named Eadwaerd Muybridge started film. He placed a 25,000 dollars bet that horse hooves are all of the ground while racing. He set up cameras across the course to prove that he was correct. He won the $25,000.
  • Period: to

    film events

  • Vaudevilles

    During the dawn of cinematography, Vaudevilles opened. Vaudevilles were small theatres that showed performers. Around the 1900s, they charged a nickle for a show, which dawned the name, Nickelodeon.
  • First camera is invented

    First camera is invented
    George Eastman introduces the lightweight, inexpensive Kodak camera, using film wound on rollers.
  • kinetoscope Parlor

    kinetoscope Parlor
    After the discovery of the moving images, Thomas Edison created the Kinetoscope. Once Kinetoscope were invented, people started opening Kinetoscope parlors.
  • Cinematography

    The first showing was a private showing only for the wealthy. The first movie was of a train passing by. Soon lead up to cinemas showing 30-60 second movies.
  • First action film released

    The Great Train Robbery," the 1st Western film, released. It was about a group of bandits who had the police hot on their tails.
  • First movie stunt

    A man jumps into the Hudson river from a burning balloon
  • First comedy made

    "Tillie's Punctured Romance" was the first comedy ever made.
  • warner bros

    arner Bros. is established in Hollywood. They later create King Kong, The Jazz Singer, and Godzilla
  • First film with sound

    The Jazz Singer" was the first film that featured sound.
  • irst color television broadcast

    First live color coast-to-coast telecast. It all started with a commercial.