FFA Time line

  • Smith Hughes act

    Established funding for vocational agriculture in high school
  • Future Farmers clubs`

    Virginia was the first state to have future farmers clubs for boys
  • FFA becomes national

    The FFA became a national organization formed by a band of teachers
  • NFA was formed

    The NFA was formed for young black boy students in the south
  • FFA recieved federal charter

    The FFA started to recieve federal charter from the US Gov. (public law 740)

    The NFA and FFA merged together in 1965
  • Girls in FFA

    In 1969 girls were allowed into the FFA for the first time ever
  • Name Change

    The FFA changed their name to the "National FFA organizations" to reflect the growing diveresity in the agriculture industry
  • National convention

    The national convention completes a seven year run in Indinapolis and returns to Louisville, Kentucky in 2013 for 3 years