Fannie Lou Hamer

  • Birth

    Fannie Lou Hamer was born
  • Childhood event

    Childhood event
    Fannie Lou Hamer dropped out of school in the 6th grade at age twelve. She dropped out to work full time and help out her family.
  • Protest Meeting

    Protest Meeting
    Attended a protest meeting. She got fired for attending and got kicked out of her house.
  • Passed Test

    Passed Test
    On her third try she passed the test that allowed African Americans to be able to register to vote. Also she was arrested and badly beaten.
  • What she did

    What she did
    Helped found Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Also did charity work to help African Americans in western Mississippi. Last she ran for U.S. Congress.
  • Another thing she did

    Another thing she did
    She ran for Mississippi State Senate and also helped established the National Women's Political Caucus.
  • Death

    She was diagnosed with breast cancer