Extinct animals

  • 2000 BCE

    Woolly mammoth

    Woolly mammoth
    Most woolly mammoth populations disappeared during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, alongside most of the Pleistocene megafauna. Scientists are divided over whether hunting or climate change, which led to the shrinkage of its habitat, was the main factor that contributed to the extinction of the woolly mammoth, or whether it was due to a combination of the two.
  • 500 BCE

    Sabre-toothed Cat

    Sabre-toothed Cat
    It is believed the Sabre-tooth Cat’s extinction may be linked to the decline and extinction of the large herbivores they hunted. Other explanations include climate change and competition with humans. https://onekind.org/animal/saber-toothed-cat/
  • Dodo

    The bird was hunted to extinction by sailors and their domesticated animals, and invasive species. The last widely accepted sighting of a Dodo was in 1662. https://onekind.org/top-10/extinct/
  • Stellers Sea Cow

    Stellers Sea Cow
    It is believed that the mammal was tame and spent most of its time eating kelp; this, and the fact that it was unable to submerge its enormous body, is possibly what made it vulnerable to human hunters. Within 27 years of discovery by Europeans, Steller’s Sea Cow was hunted to extinction. https://onekind.org/top-10/extinct/
  • Japanese wolf

    Japanese wolf
    The Japanese wolf occupied the islands of Honshū, Shikoku, and Kyūshū in Japan. It was the world's smallest known wolf measuring 35 inches in lenght and standing almost a foot tall. It was rabies, deforestation of the wolf's habitat, and conflict with humans that led to their extinction. http://eol.org/pages/1267242/details
  • Passenger pigeon

    Passenger pigeon
    The passenger pigeon or wild pigeon is an extinct species of pigeon that was endemic to North America.The main reasons for the extinction of the passenger pigeon were the massive scale of hunting, the rapid loss of habitat, and the extremely social lifestyle of the bird, which made it highly vulnerable to the former factors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passenger_pigeon
  • thylacine

    The thylacine, commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger, was once the largest known carnivorous marsupial. Thylacines were hunted because farmers said they were killing sheep.The government brought in laws to protect them a few months before the last one died.They are now extinct, which means there are no thylacines left alive anywhere in the world. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylacine
  • Mokele-mbembe

    Mokèlé-mbèmbé is a legendary water-dwelling creature of Congo River basin folklore, sometimes described as a living creature, sometimes as a spirit, and loosely analogous to the Loch Ness Monster in Western cultureAccording to a missionary in the area at the time a specimen was caught and eaten by Pygmy tribe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mokele-mbembe
  • Pyrenean Ibex

    Pyrenean Ibex
    The exact cause of the Pyrenean Ibex’s extinction is unknown; scientists believe factors included poaching and the inability to compete with other mammals for food and habitat. The last Pyrenean Ibex was killed by a falling tree in northern Spain in 2000. https://onekind.org/top-10/extinct/
  • Baiji White Dolphin

    Baiji White Dolphin
    Baiji White Dolphin can only be found in the Yangtze River in China. They relied on echolocation to navigate and hunt for pray due to their tiny eyes and very poor eyesight.As China industrialised, the river was used for fishing, transportation and hydroelectricity which had a huge effect on the mammals. Although not officially recorded as extinct, no one has seen a Yangtze River Dolphin since 2002. https://onekind.org/top-10/extinct/