
Expansion and growth timeline by Kate

  • Clermont

    A political business leader named Robert Livingston wanted a steamboat to carry cargo and passengers faster up the Hudson so he hired Robert Fulton to build it. Fulton succeeded and with his powerful engine the clermont sailed from New York to Albany in 32 hours making even more money. A trip that would have taken 4 days only using sails. The clermonts engine was noisy but passengers still got the luxury of walking or relaxing on the deck or even taking a nap in a sleeping area below the deck.
  • The second bank

    The second bank
    After congress let the first bank die things did not go very well in the economy othe banks had allowed too much money into the circulation causing a rise in goods prices which also mention people could buy less and less with every dollar. Plus the government had nowhere to put money. This is why it was so important when congress started the second bank. Which helped bring America back to life fixing all the problems taking out the first bank made.
  • The Missouri compromise

    The  Missouri compromise
    The Missouri compromise was suggested by clay because he was afraid the union would split .this proposed that Maine enter the union as a free state, and that Missouri would enter the union as a slave state keeping Congress as 12 free and 12 slaves states. The compromise also blocked slavery in the north been allowed in the south. The north did not believe in slavery but in the south it was part of their economy. the Missouri compromise was only a temporary Solution in this conflict.
  • The Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal
    On October 26th 1825 after eight years of hard work the Erie Canal was finally finished but their were bumps along the way. many people died in the process of creating this waterway because of cave ins, blasting accidents, or spreading disease. To build the canal workers used locks to raise and lower water levels. These canals helped tremendously in the United States transportation because now in order to ship goods people could travel through the country instead of going out and around.
  • Rise of factories

    Rise of factories
    In order to protect inventors rights congress passed a patent law. The British also wanted to protect their inventions by creating a law that stopped British workers from sharing their inventions, but some British people still sold their new inventions secrets. The patent law showed that inventions and factories were growing in importance rapidly and now offered many more jobs farming didn't offer.