Evolution of Sharks

  • First Sharks

    First Sharks
    Sharks first appeared about 450 million years ago. There is evidence and fossils that have been found to prove they have been around in the ocean for 450 million years.
  • Ancient Sharks

    Ancient Sharks
    Most ancient sharks had a short, round snout. Of course they had the basic characteristics of a shark, but they had some differences. Ancient sharks were much smaller than sharks today, reaching about 7.5 feet in length.
  • Golden Age of Sharks

    Golden Age of Sharks
    Sharks have survived many changes in the ocean and the way they live. About 300 million years ago sharks were very abundant. This is why it is called the Golden Age. During the Permian Period, an event occured known as the "Mother of all Extinctions". 99% of Marine life were killed during this event.
  • Megalodon

    Some believe the megalodon, who lived about 16 million years ago, was over 50 feet and weighed over 50 tons. It had very large, triangular teeth that were serrated. Megalodon were some of the most feared predators to ever swin in the sea.
  • Origin of Modern Sharks

    Origin of Modern Sharks
    About 208 to 144 million years ago, sharks that resembled the ones we see today appeared. The earliest modern shark was the Mcmurdodus. The tooth of this animal resembles those of modern sharks. Another shark,the Paloespinax, that had jaws attached only at the bottom of the cranium.
  • Evoution of Lamnoid Sharks

    Evoution of Lamnoid Sharks
    Many of the most recognizable sharks are part of the lamnoid family including the Great White, Golblin shark, Sandtiger shark and the Basking sharks. The first lamnoid fossils appeared about 120 million years ago.
  • Becoming an apex predator

    Becoming an apex predator
    Sharks have evolved in many ways to become the oceans top predators. They have become larger, faster and stronger. Their senses have been honed to notice the slightest movement in any kind of water. Modern sharks, like their ancestors, have become the best predator in their habitat.
  • Deep sea dwelling sharks

    Deep sea dwelling sharks
    Deep sea sharks are often much smaller than their relatives that we are familiar with. They can be recognized by their small size and odd looking bodies. Some deep sea sharks are the Goblin sharks, Dwarf Gulper shark, Chain Catshark, and the Frill shark. These sharks have evolved to the deep and darkness in many ways. Some of these sharks must feel for food while others can sense food.
  • Evolution of teeth

    Evolution of teeth
    Sharks teeth are one of their most popular attributes. Some have serrated edges and others are smooth. Some teeth are used to make clean cuts through their prey while others are made to tear them apart. Teeth have evolved to become more useful for sharks who often use them to see what things are when they are curious.
  • Filter Feeders

    Filter Feeders
    Filter feeding sharks include the Megamouth, Basking shark, and the Whale shark. Filter feeders are carnivors but not what people typically expect. A reason they might have become filter feeders is because small krill and other micro-fish were very abundant and there was much competition for other food. So these sharks adapted to be able to feed on these small fish. These sharks originated approximately 60 million years ago.
  • Habitat

    Sharks mainly live in the warm, open ocean. Water used to cover most of the land areas were covered by water, so fossils have been found on land. A few sharks have survived in the cols depths of the North Atlantic.
  • Diet

    Sharks have been known to eat a wide variety of things. There diets are mainly carnivorous. Sharks have evolved to eat things from car tires and license plates to filter feeders eating shrimp. The Squalicorax is the only known shark known to feed on dinosaurs.