Iphone 6s

Evolution of iphones

  • Iphone 1

    Iphone 1
    The Iphone 1 was the first smartphone made by Apple. 1 million iphones were sold in 74 days which was very quick. People from all over the world use the Iphone. The Iphone 1 was discontinued on July 15, 2008.
  • Iphone 3G

    The 2nd Smartphone made by apple was called the Iphone 3G. Appple decided to remove the 4 GB capacity of the phone, hence the iphone was either gonna be 8 GB or 16 GB. Another difference between Iphone 1 and Iphone 3G was the dimensions. The Iphone 3G was a little bit larger than the Iphone 1.
  • Iphone 3GS

    The 3rd Generation of the iphone was Iphone 3GS made by Apple. The Iphone 3GS had 250 MB which was double the memory from Iphone 1 and 3G. For the Iphone 3GS, Apple decided to add 32 GB to the Iphone 3GS.
  • Iphone 4

    The Iphone 4 was the 4th iphone made by Apple. Iphone 4 had 512 MB for its memory which dramatically changed comparing to Iphone 3GS which was 256 MB.
  • Iphone 4S

    The 5th iphone that apple made was the iphone 4S. Apple added a new feature to the Iphone 4S which was called Siri. Siri is a feature where you can hold the home button and then you hear her voice and can ask anything. SIRI was a short form of " Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface".
  • Iphone 5

    The Iphone 5 was the 6th Iphone made by Apple. The Iphone 5 was the lightest phone made by Apple weighing 112 grams. The iphone 5 had the capacity to either have 16 GB, 32 GB or 64 GB. Apple decided to make the lightning connector smaller than the usual one.