
Evolution of Digital and Educative resource concept

  • Gerard (1969)

    Gerard (1969)
    Curricular units can be smaller and be combined as Mecano pieces.
  • Willey (1994)

    Willey (1994)
    The standardization of learning technologies committee selected the definition of "learning object" (Objeto de aprendizaje)
  • Apple (1997)

    Apple (1997)
    Apple starts a web site "Economy of the educational objects" which uses the name #Educational Objects"
  • Merrill (1998)

    Merrill (1998)
    "Knowledge object" is the phrase used to refer to a group of different concepts.
  • Hodgins (2000)

    Hodgins (2000)
    Makes a comparison between the learning objects and the LEGOS because of their interconection.
  • UNESCO (2002)

    UNESCO (2002)
    Unesco organizes the first world wide forum about educational resourses of free access.
  • Mason, Pegler y Weller (2005)

    Mason, Pegler y Weller (2005)
    Present a successful learning experience using learning objects in a course.
  • García (2010)

    García (2010)
    Digital educational resourses means that the purpose is educational, they are made to inform, help, reinforce and evaluate knowledge.
  • Mineducacion (2012)

    Mineducacion (2012)
    Digital educational resourse is all kind of material designed in a digital way, abailable in a public net, with free access of use, adaptation or modification.
    In the next video you can clarify the definition