evolution of cars

  • first motor invented

    karl Benz created the first motor car, and called it the Benz Patent-Motorwagon.
  • First pneumatic car tire invented.

    Michelin introduces the fire pneumatic car tire, which is a tire made of reinforced rubber and filled with compressed air.
  • Ford Motor Company established.

    Henry Ford opens ford motor company and sells 1,700 cars in the first year.
  • Ford introduces the Tin Lizzie.

    Henry Ford introduces the first Model-T car, otherwise known as the Tin Lizzie .
  • First four wheel brake system implemented.

    The Scottish made Argyll is the first automobile fitted for four-wheel brakes, front brakes are operated by a foot pedal, while the back brakes are controlled by a hand lever.
  • First electric traffic light invented.

    Police officer Lester Wire invents the first electric traffic light first actual light was installed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1914.
  • First car radio installed.

    Galvin Manufacturing Corporate, invest and install the first car radio.
  • First air conditioning system installed.

    Nash Motor Company installs the first air conditioner system.
  • First seatbelt installed.

    The first seatbelt is installed in Sweden.