Events that Lead to World War ll

  • Mussolini organizes fascist party.

    Mussolini organizes fascist party.
    This party advocated Italian nationalism and was called the black shirts.
  • Inflation in Germany

    Inflation in Germany
    The government printed out money to repay people after the French invasion. When they did this the price of the Germany's currency, Marks, value dropped.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    This was an autobiography written by Adolf Hitler containing his plans for Germany.
  • Stalin Becomes Leader of the Soviet Union

    Stalin Becomes Leader of the Soviet Union
    He ruled under terror, and millions of his people died during his reign. When in power, he had potential enemies executed and sent to labor camps.
  • Japan invades eastern China

    Japan invades eastern China
    Also called the second sino-Japanese war, this was the invasion of Manchuria by the Japanese.
  • Hitler Becomes Prime Minister

    Hitler Becomes Prime Minister
    Hindenburg did not want to make Hitler chancellor by Hitlers growing popularity and terror so he appointed someone else. German National People’s Party (DNVP), convinced later on to make Hitler the Prime Minister. He had a plan to make away with politics and have a one-party government. He then started the expansion of the Gestapo.
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Because of hard times Germans were looking for a leader. This leader happened to be Hitler. Germans were willing to accept this leader without much hesitation.
  • Japan withdraws from league of nations

    Japan withdraws from league of nations
    Japan left the league of nations after being blamed for the events that happened in Manchuria
  • U.S. passes Neutrality Acts

    U.S. passes Neutrality Acts
    These acts were laws passed that limited the involvement of the U.S. in foreign affairs.
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    Italy invades Ethiopia

    After hearing Hitler's plans to gain new lands, Mussolini decided to gain new lands as well by invading Abyssinia (now ethiopia)
  • Anschluss

    The idea of Anschluss was to unify Germany and Austria. To be in union with Germany was Austria's dream for quit some while. This was the first major steps in Austrian-born Hitler's desire to create a Greater German Reich.
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    Munich Conference

    Hitler demanded the surrender of the Sudetenland to Germany. But also the evacuation of the Czechoslovak community. France began mobilization on Sept. 24 and then the Chamberlain and the French Prime Minister traveled to Munich on Sept.30
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    Waves of anti Jewish acts that either harmed Jews of deprived them of human rights.
  • Hitler & Stalin Pact

    Hitler & Stalin Pact
    Both of the leaders were thinking of their own political strengths. No military action against each other for 10 years. Europe was on the brink of a major war, Stalin viewed the pact as a way to keep his nation at peace with Germany.
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    Germany Invades Poland

    This is the day WW ll started, Hitler forces bombarded Poland in air and on land. He began killing enemies against Germany that did not believe in Nazi ideology. Poland forces were unequipped with this invasion.