Events of Partition 1940-1947


    In this session Jinnah presented his own solution to Muslim problems.He declared that the problem of India was of an international-communal nature and to him the differences between the Hindus and Muslims were so great that their union,under one central government was of serious risk.

    British government was in need of Indian assisstance in the war while; Congress was demanding right to make future constitution and complete transfer of power to the elected assembly.Mulims under the leadership of Jinnah were demanding partition of India.The viceroy made an offer to expand the viceroy's executive council,by including the representatives of the political parties.An Indian constitution making for the minorities.etc.But the League and Congress both rejected the offer

    In 1941,Japanese forces entered world war 2 from the side of Germany and attached the allied powers at pearl harbor and several other points.By the end of the year,Japan managed to capture Singapore.It appeared in India that Japanese would over-run India with the same ease with which they captured south-east Asia.The security of India was severly threatened which created great concern for the British goernment as well as for Indians who were worried about the future of India.

    The British government chalked out a programme for the welfare of the people of India and appointed a delegation under the chairmanship of Sir Stafford Cripps.The Cripps mission reached Delhi to hold talks with Indian political leaders.But,failed to hold talks with the Indian political leaders due to their non-cooperation and it returned without any political discussions instead te Indians gave their own recommendations to the British government the constitutional reforms for India.

    It was a civil disobedience movement launched in India,in August 1942,in response to Gandhi's call for independence,the failure of the Cripps mission,the Congress proclaimed a mass protest demanding what Gandhi called "an orderly British withdrawal" from India.The call for determined,but passive resistance appears in his call to do or die.Issued on 8 August at the Gowalia tank maidan in Mumbai in the year 1942.

    A Congress leader insisted Gandhi in prison to have talks with Jinnah to settle Hindu-Muslim problem in India.Gandhi declared that he was not representing Congress and he wanted to see Jinnah as a native Gujrati Indian to solve the political problems.But the demands raised by Gandhi were reflecting purely Congress mentality and were actually the official policy of Congress.Thus,these talks failed as Jinnah wanted Hindu-Muslim settlement first and transfer of power to India afterwards.

    The British government wanted to see India as an independent country.So the vicreroy dicussed his ideas about the future of India with the British administration.This resulted in the formulation of a plan of action that was made public.Simla conference was held at Simla,to discuss the proposals of setting up an interim government with parity of seats between Hindus and Muslims and reserved seats for other minorities(Sikhs and scheduled caste Hindus).But this proposal failed as well.

    Elections were held in India for central and provincial legislature.Constitutional future of India was depended on these results.Both the Muslims and the Hindus had opposite slogans during their campaigns.Quaid-e-Azam also tried to unite the Muslim community under the banner of the Muslim league.But the Congress stood for united India.In these elections Muslim league won all 30 seats in central legislature reserved for the Muslims that is 100% Muslim seats in the central assembly.

    Was sent to India to discuss the constitutional issues with the viceroy and the Indian political leaders.There was great unrest in India thus, people looked towards the it.The viceroy published a statement containing of two plans,a short-term plan and a long-term plan.The league accepted them but wasn't called to make government, that would cause a civil war as Congress only accepted the one them so the league dropped its suit.And Congress accepted both plans and was called to make government.

    In July 1946,the league withdrew its agreement to the plan and announced a general strike (hartal) on 16 August, terming it as Direct Action Day, to assert its demand for a separate Muslim homeland.Against a backdrop of communal tension, the protest triggered massive riots in Calcutta.More than 4,000 people lost their lives in 72 hours. This violence sparked off further religious riots in the surrounding regions.These events sowed the seeds for the eventual Partition of India.

    The deadlock between the Congress and the League worsened in this setup.On March 22,1947,the last viceroy of India arrived.It was announced that power would be transferred from British to Indian hands by 1948.The viceroy entered into a series of talks with Jinnah and Gandhi.Jinnah made it clear that he would not withdraw from Pakistan's demand.With staunch extremists agreeing to the Muslim demand for a separate homeland,the viceroy prepared for the partition and announced it on June 3,1947

    1.India would be divided into two states and British control over India will end on 15th August 1947.
    2.Princely states could join either India or Pakistan.
    3.Government of India Act 1935 would remain enforced until the constituent assemblies of respective countries could frame their constitution.
    4.Option would be given to India and Pakistan to be in British common wealth if they desired.
    under this act India and Pakistan got freedom and emerged as independent states on the world map.
  • 3rd JUNE PLANS

    The British government proposed a plan, announced it on 3 June 1947, that included these principles:Principle of the partition of British India was accepted by the British Government.Successor governments would be given dominion status autonomy and sovereignty to both countries can make their own constitution. Princely States were given the right to either join Pakistan or India.Provinces can become a separate nation other than Pakistan or India.