Events Of Imperialism

  • Period: to

    Events of Imperialism

  • Mexico gained independence from Spain

    Mexico gained independence from Spain
  • Becomes Republic

    Becomes Republic
    Becomes republic but conflicts with factions inside the country last a century.
  • India and Sepoy Rebellion

    India and Sepoy Rebellion
    A rebellion against the East India Company, led to British relieving EIC of their rule. First independence rebellion for india.
  • Zulu Independence Movement

    Zulu Independence Movement
    Ruled by Zulu Warrior Shaka, the Zulu progessed into one of the largest most powerful indgenous tribes. Shaka was killed by his brother Diaggne. This lead to unrest in the tribe and confliction. Zulu broke apart and was out of control
  • Begining of Berlin Conference

    Begining of Berlin Conference
    Berlin Conference was held by Otto Van Bismarck to discuss the fate of african territories
  • Phillippian- American War

    Phillippian- American War
    A war against americans where Phillipines fought for their indpendence cause of forceful laws against them.
  • Period: to

    Chinese Boxer Rebellion

    Fighters wanting to return to original ideas and ways. Were defeated by the Japanese and other western powers.
  • Complete Division of Africa

    Due to the conference, in 1914 the whole of africa was divided into 50 countries