Events leading to the civil war timeline

  • Missouri Compromise (Blue)

    Missouri Compromise (Blue)
    Was made as a balance of power, between free and slave states, by admitting Maine to the Union as a free state and Missouri as a slave state. It decreased, because it was equal for both sides.
  • The Missouri crisis(blue)

    a request in missouri that tried to ease tensions that were triggered by missouri being a slave state. This eased tension it evenly divided the free and slave states
  • William Douglas Publishes "The Liberator"(red)

    The liberator was an ant slavery Newspaper formed by William Douglas. This angered Slave states and increased tension
  • Nate turner's slave revolt(blue)

    Nate turner's slave revolt(blue)
    rebel slaves led by Nate turner killed60 people in Virginia during a slave revolt. This decreased tension, because it showed that the slaves were dangerous and willing to fight for freedom.
  • Texas annexation (red)

    Texas broke away from the republic of mexico and join the United States. This increased tension, because it was another territory to fight over.
  • The Wilmot Proviso(red)

    Was designed to end slavery in the land obtained in the war with Mexico.This increased tension by angering slave states.
  • compromise of 1850(red)

    Laws that tried to resolve conflict by adding California as a free state and abolishing the slave trade in DC. This increased tension, because it angered southern slave owners.
  • Fugitive slave laws(blue)

    Fugitive slave laws(blue)
    This forced people to return run away slaves to their masters, even if found in a free state. This decreased tension, because it was a solution of the underground railroad for the slave owners
  • Underground railroad(red)

    This was a way that slaves used to escape up north from their masters. This increased tension, because it angered slave holders who were not able to get their slaves back.
  • Publication of Uncle Toms cabin(red)

    The book showed the affect of slavery on families. This escalated tensions because the South was threatened by the North.
  • Formation of the Republican party(red)

    Formation of the Republican party(red)
    Anti-slavery whigs met to discuss creating a new political party in 1854. This increased tension, because Abraham Lincoln was a republican.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act(red)

    Created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and allowed them to choose their own slave laws. This increased tension, because the people could not agree on what it should be.
  • Bleeding Kansas(red)

    These were violent altercations between people who were for and against slavery in Kansas. This increased tension, because it showed that Kansas couldn't have it both ways.
  • Dredd Scott supreme court decision(blue)

    This was the ruling that the Scott family was not free, even though they had lived in a free state with there masters for a while. The ruling by the supreme court made slavery allowed in many parts of the country which decreased tensions.
  • Lincoln Douglas debates(red)

    Were a series of debates between presidential candidates Lincoln and Douglas. This increased tension, because it anger slave states who were not for Lincoln.
  • John Browns raid at Harpers fairy(red)

    It was an attempt to lead an armed slave revolt and take hold of the United state's arsenal. This increased tension, because of how the North saw him as a hero, while the south saw a villian.
  • Election of 1860 (red)

    Election of 1860 (red)
    Abraham Lincoln was elected as President, which angered many slave states due to his threat of banning slavery. It increased the tension, because he had the power to end slavery.