Events Leading To The American Revolutionary War

  • Boston Massacre

    1.) A riot broke out in boston between the colonist and some British Soldiers.
    2.) A shot was fired (not known by who)
    3.) The end result 5 men were killed
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    French And Indian War

    The cause of the war is over land. English colonist wanted to expand west and the French and Indians resist. The British win the war, Signed the Treaty Of Paris Feb. 1763,( required France to give up nearly all there land). Also signed Proclamation of 1763 Oct, ( reserved land west of the App Mtns for the indians. England began increasing taxes on the colonies to pay for the war.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Reserved land west of the Appalachian Mountains for the indians. The colonist could no longer settle west and expand.
  • Sugar Act

    A British law passed by the parliament of Great Britain. (George Greenville) England taxed sugar and molasses, to raise revenue from the American Colonists. The significance of the law is that parliament was taxing the colonies just for profit,the colonies did not like being taxed just for the British to profit so they protested. Also the British enforced this law, meaning if you had smuggled goods you would be tried in Britain for smuggling.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act was passed by British Parliament. This was a tax on the American Colonists to pay a fee for every piece of printed paper they used. The colonists soon started the Sons Of Liberty, (Samuel Adams is the leader) colonists who Protested the law. The British delay the law and the colonists create the Stamp Act Congress. For people who did not support the Stamp act , so the British dissolved the House Of Burgesses. .
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    Stamp Act Congress

    The first congress of the American colonies. Started by the British parliament and George Grenville's (king George chief cabinet minster ) support. They meet in the American colonies. They meet in New York to prepare protest against the Stamp Act. There actions turned the law into a boycott
  • Declaratory Act

    A law passed by British parliament that said that the british taxing authority was equal in the American colonies as in Britain. This followed the repeal of the Stamp Act.
  • Townshend Acts

    A law presented to the English Parliament by Charles Townshend. The law states there are taxes on glass, paint , lead , and tea. The tax was put on these items for profit for Great Britain. The colonies seen it as an abuse to power and unjust . In 1770 Parliament repealed the acts all except for tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The sons of liberty dressed up as indians went to the boston tea party and dumped 92000 lbs of tea into the harbor. Soon after the English Parliament passed the intolerable acts. 1.) The sons of liberty dumped the tea. 2.) English pass the intolerable acts 3.)The i tolerable acts were to punish the colonists for the boston tea party
  • Quartering Act

    Law passed by the British Parliament that made the colonist provide quarters for the British troops.
  • Intolerable acts

    the colonist were effected by these acts because it was just a punishment to them for the Boston tea party. I was a series of laws (ex. coercive acts) just to get back at the colonists. The colonies of course did not agree with these they protested but this gave them even more reason to go to war with Britain.
  • Quebec act

    Passed by the British Parliament it gave the French Canadians complete religious freedom. It brought the American colonist more tension building between them and the British.
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    First Continental Congress

    56 delegates from all the colonies and some founding fathers (Patrick Henry, George Washington, John Adams ,and Peyton Randolph) . They met in Philadelphia and agreed to meet again in the spring. They met to discuss all the acts and taxes passed on the colonies and what they should do in reaction to these acts. They started to create militias and people began to want there independence more.
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    Second Continental Congress

    The second meeting met again in philadelphia. This time they met to discuss the colonial war effort. In this they decided to create the continental army . The leader of this army is George Washington. They wrote the Declaration of independence and the Articles of Confederation.
  • Lexington & Concord

    The American colonist were starting to build a revolutionary government and militias. It all started when the British troops got word that the colonist were storing weapons trying to create milltia they went searching for these weapons.They met in Lexington & Concord the first battle is known as the shot herd around the world because no one knows who shot the first shot.
  • Battle of Bunker hill

    Fought in Boston , this battle was a big deal to the colonist even though they lost to the British they lasted 2 rounds with them which gave them hope at maybe winning the war and gaining independence.
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense". He wrote about people needing to fight for there independence, the wrong doings the british has caused them. This convinced alot of people to become patriots or want there independece