Events from 1860-1865

  • Abe Lincoln is selected as the 16th president of the Union.

    The US voted and Abe Lincoln was selected as the Union's president.
  • First Shots Fired

    In 1861 the first shots of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter.
  • Bull Run

    First major battle in the Civil War and, is also known as "The Battle of Manassas.
  • Jefferson Davis is selected as the president of the Confederate States of America

    The south voted and selected Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as their president.
  • Union forces demand surrender of New Orleans.

    A fleet of Union gunships demands the surrender of New Orleans.
  • Gettysburg

    This famous battle was taken place in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. It started when General Lee marched his army into Pennsylvania.
  • Robert E. Lee surrenders his Soldiers

    Robert Lee surrendered his Confederate soldiers to Ulysses Grant and his Union soldiers.
  • Lincoln is killed by John Booth

    At Ford's Theatre president Abraham Lincoln is killed by an actor (John Booth).