events in the 1970

  • Rubiks 2

    Rubiks 2
    This event did not shape the future at all but it is still used today to pass time. The world would not be much different if we did not have it but people would have to find something else to pass time.I would have wanted to attend the event because I want to see the peoples reaction and to see what they thought of it. If I were there I would not want to change any thing because this event was already pretty cool also even I have one myself.
  • Rubiks cube release

    Rubiks cube release
    Rubiks cube was made by a Hungarian sculptor. This was made because he wanted a working three dimensional cube.
    This event was important because it was a puzzle that was a challenge used to pass time. This event was unique because no one has thought of making this so it is an original and maybe no one would have thought of the fidget cube or the fidget spinner which is my favorite thing to use to pass time.
  • star wars realese

    star wars realese
    this event is a movie that is very popular created by George lucas this was created because he wanted something original and he was interested in this kind of stuff.
    This event was important because many people liked this movie and wanted to see more.
    This event shaped the future by many people having merchandise that represents star wars. This also made people more interested in space.This world is not different by star wars but it was a very cool movie series which they still might make more.