Eurpean Timeline

  • European Conference

    European imperial powers drew up plans to divide Africa.
  • World War l Begins

    World War l Begins
    Archduke Francois Ferdinand (Austria-Hungary) and his wife were assassinated walking through a crowd; this started WWl...
  • World War l Ends

    WWl came to an end when the balance of power shifted in favor o the Allies.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    Hitler took many steps in preparation to take over Europe. Steps including preparing his army and taking over neighboring countries.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Hitler invades Poland, after he promised not to. Poland was one of the first countries to be invaded.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    U.S enters WWll in response to Japanese attack.
  • D-Day

    The Allies were victorious against Hitler and the Nazis despite many lives lost; their success led to the liberation of Western Europe.
  • V-E Day

    World War ll ends in Europe.
  • Truman Doctrine Announced

    Truman Doctrine Announced
    President Truman announced the Truman Doctrine- the idea to oppose communism anywhere in the world.
  • Marshall Plan Begins

    Aid to European countries after after WWll so that they can rebuild.
  • ECSC Established

    European Coal and Steel Community created by France and Germany.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S and the Soviet Union was in an arms race to become the world's greatest power and to obtain the most nuclear weapons; the closest the world has ever gotten close to a nuclear war between U.S and the Soviet Union in Cuba.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    The Wall falls, it symbolized the deep division between eastern and western Europe.The Berlin Wall falls as Europe finally begins to unite.
  • East and West Germany Reunited After Cold War

    The Soviet Union slowly lost its power over the Eastern countries, acts of peace were demonstrated, and the Berlin Wall collapses. All of these acts led to the end of the cold war and the reuniting of Europe.
  • Soviet Union Ends

    Soviet Union Ends
    The immediate cause of the Soviet collapse was economic, as the Soviet Union lost the arms race and international competition with the West.
  • Maastricht Treaty Signed

    Document which established framework for the EU was agreed to.
  • Euro introduced

    Euro introduced
    The euro is the common European currency that many, but not all European countries use.