European History

  • 1095

    The Fourth Crusades 2

    The Fourth Crusades 2
    Since the king is on the top of the pyramid, he controls everyone. Like the king controls the nobles, and the nobles own land and have a military. Knights protect the serfs and the land. The peasants will do the work in like the fields
  • 1095

    The First Crusades 2

    The First Crusades 2
    Faith united Europeans, Christians had sacred holy land that the Muslims wanted to take form them. The Europeans gathered armies to destroy the Muslims. Eventually the Muslims recaptured the holy land.
  • Period: 1095 to 1099

    The Fourth Crusades

    The fourth crusades have this system, which is called Feudalism. Where it's the king on top, then you have the nobles, the knights, and then the last one is the peasant.
  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    The First Crusades

    The first crusade Muslims try to steal Holy Land, but then the Europeans got it back. But the Muslims recaptured it right after, the Europeans got it back.
  • 1400

    The Renaissance 2

    The Renaissance 2
    The art during this period was like paintings and sculptures. Famous artists that you know of are from this time of history, like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. This time of history the black plague was really bad. The black plague were like big white bumps that were all over your skin. Barometer, Thermoscope, and the violin were one of the inventions during this time.
  • 1400

    European Exploration 2

    European Exploration 2
    Christopher Columbus tried a different route than others. When he was sailing across the Atlantic Ocean he discovered the Americas. When the Spain got there they found gold and other resources, which made them wealthy. Since Spain was such a success, the other European countries wanted to send their own explorers. Europeans started founding colonies
  • Period: 1400 to 1400

    The Renaissance

    Durning the renaissance there was a lot of art, trading, inventions, and the black plague.
  • Period: 1400 to 1400

    European Explorations

    The European explorations was when Portugal wanted an easier way to get spices, from India and other parts of Asia.
  • 1500

    The Reformation 2

    The Reformation 2
    Martin Luther he created the reformation. After he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church. The reformation led to a new Christianity, which was called Protestantism. There were wars between the Roman Catholics and Protestants, that swept through Europe. Since reformation shattered the religious unity of Europeans, it strengthened the power of monarchs.
  • Period: 1500 to 1517

    The Reformation

    The reformation is a split in Christianity, and Martin Luther caused this because he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The Enlightenment 2

    The Enlightenment 2
    Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei believed that knowledge could come from observing and measuring the natural world. A lot people relied on reasons not faith to guide them. So since they relied on that a lot of people stoppped going to church.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    During the enlightenment time there was a lot of science. Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galile, they’re scientists and they had everyone believing that people had more power. So they stopped going to church, and this started the revolution.
  • Caves of Lascaux 2

    Caves of Lascaux 2
    The caves of Lascaux were paintings. That represent what they hunted and what they used to kill them. The paintings are about 20,000 years old.
  • Period: to

    Caves of Lascaux

    People discovered these caves in 1940. The city they found this cave is Montignac, France.
  • Period: to

    The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was a wall made to separate the east and west of Europe. It is one of the most recent events and probably one of the most heard of.
  • The Berlin Wall part 2

    The Berlin Wall part 2
    This wall separated eastern and western Europe for a long time. This was a very depressing time because freedom was on the west side. Families were split up and many Europeans lost their jobs. People would try to get over to the west but if they were seen trying they would get shot right then and there. 5,000 people escaped to freedom but unfortunately 100 people died trying to. In the end people from Europe or Berlin came to tare down the wall themselves.