Establishment of New Carrey Representative Government

  • Indpendence War Begins

    Revolutionists were sparked by the revolts occurring in France and wanted to be free from a Kingdom filled with various different cultures. Also wanted an independent country in which they can thrive in their own culture and religions.
  • Treaty of Independence

    After three months on intense and constant warfare between the kingdom and the country, the King decided to separate the territory from the country, but he still wanted to earn money off of this land.
  • Garrison McCleary Comes to Power

    After discussion of the elders regarding the government that will come into place, Garrison McCleary -- a former noble -- steps up and says he will be a leader, but he believes they should establish a set amount of rules so the nation did not end up like the Kingdom they were in.
  • Constitution of the People is Formed

    After months of debating and discussing how the nation will be run and how the power will be maintained, they establish the constitution that states the rights of the people, how they are to be treated, and what is required of the leader in power.
  • First War the Nation Faces

    After a peaceful era the nation undergoes, famine struck and warfare began with neighboring countries regarding the land and the resources are present on the land. This struck the nation hard and caused McCleary to fight back harder to maintain his power and not be overthrown by the people in a revolt
  • War of the Nations Victory

    The first battle is won and the elders come together to discuss how the leader will maintain his power if he were to loose the war. The War of the Nations cost many lives of the untrained soldiers and the people were upset. The result of this was an establishment of a training center for a set army and new regulations on who will determine the next moves in a war.