Establishment of English Colonies

  • First English Expedition to Roanoke

    John White traveled to roanoke, an island off of north, carolina. later, he became governor of roanoke and brought more settlers.
  • Virginia fails

    Virginia was doing great for a little bit. Until the Native Americans realized they wanted their property they stoped giving English food.
  • John white is convinced raleigh to try again to establish the roanoke colony

    John white tried to establish some land and he never came back from the land. Til' this day they dont know whether he was killed by native americans who were trying to defend their land.
  • Spanish Aramada is defeated

    The english defeated the spanish armada or fleet of spanish ships in 1588. This inspired the english to take control of land in america as the spanish had. They believed they could be powerful too.
  • Plymouth Company

    The Plymouth Company sponsored the Sagadahoc Colony at the mouth of the Kennebec River in Maine.
  • Jamestown Grows

    John Smith took control, to make sure the colonists worked he announced "he that will not work shall not eat".
  • A high grade of tobacco

    John Rolfe developed a high grade of of tobacco that the colonists learned to grow. It quickly became popular in england.
  • African-Americans come to Jamestown

    In 1619 the first african americans came to jamestown. The population of virginia jumped from about 600 in 1619 to more than 2000 in 1621
  • Conflicts with Powhatan

    The colonist learned how to grow corn , catch fish, and hunt. However the land grabs for tobacco plantations, cause powhatan to demolish jamestown.

    Nathaniel Bcon demanded that Berkley approve a war against the Native Americans to seize their land for Tobacco Plantations