Eriksons Timeline

  • Trust vs. Mistrust

    Trust vs. Mistrust
    On August 13, 2008, Terrance (age 1) began to cry in the middle of the night, he was hungry. Terrances mother comes into the room shortly after the crying begins. In Eriksons first stage of Trust vs. Mistrust the crisis is between trusting the parents or the caregiver to provide for Terrances needs. Terrance looks to his mother/father/caregiver for stability in care. If Terrances mother did not consistantly respond to his crying, Terrance might develop a mistrust in their relationship.
  • Autonomy vs. Shame

    Autonomy vs. Shame
    on September 15 2010, Terrance (age 3) woke up in the middle of the night and realized that he had wet himself in his sleep. Terrance is doubting his abilities to become potty trained since this is the 3rd night he had wet himself this week. In Autonomy vs. Shame, the crisis is between wanting to be independent and feeling shame in their lack of abilities or being overly criticized. Autonomy vs. Shame is crucial for the child to master so they can learn independence.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Industry vs. Inferiority
    on January 15th, 2017, Terrance (age 10) was on his schools little league baseball team. Terrances father is the coach of the team and is often overly harsh on Terrances sporting abilities and compares him to other teammates at home. In Industry vs. Inferiority, the crisis is between industry, which is their surroundings, and inferiority, which is their confidence in the surroundings. Terrance may feel inferior when being compared to other teammates.