English Republic

  • 1215

    King John signs the Magna Carta

    King John signs the Magna Carta
    King John takes the first steps into limiting the power of the monarchy. This would set in motion the sharing of power between the monarchy and nobles.
  • King James I becomes King of England

    King James I becomes King of England
    James I would be the first ruler among several of his sucessors to disband parliament. This would set in motion the events leading up to the English Civil War.
  • Parliament is disolved by King Charles I.

    Parliament is disolved by King Charles I.
    Parliament would not be summoned again for the next decade. Charles I would rule by himself in the meantime.
  • English Civil War begins

    English Civil War begins
    In 1642, the first of the three English civil wars began between King and Parliament. This event would shape English society and government, leading up to the dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell.
  • Rump Parliament

    Rump Parliament
    With the beginning of what is known as "Rump Parliament" in the aftermath of Pride's purge, Oliver Cromwell was allowed to abolish parliament years later and establish a military dictatorship in the country.
  • Battle of Worcester results in a Parliamentary victory

    Battle of Worcester results in a Parliamentary victory
    The Battle of Worcester ended in an astounding Parliamentary victory, ended the English Civil War in favor of Parliament forces.
  • Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights

    Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights
    The reign of King William set in stone the relationship between Parliament and Monarchy, with both sharing power. The king's power was limited through the English Bill of Rights.