
Energy Timeline in the United States

By moewin
  • First form of electricity.

    First form of electricity.
    Benjamin Franklin prove that lightning is a form of electricity.
  • First electric light bulb and generator.

    First electric light bulb and generator.
    Thomas Edison successfully demonstrates the electric light bulb and generator.
  • first iteration of the modern electricity industry

    first iteration of the modern electricity industry
    Edison launches the first iteration of the modern electricity industry with the Pearl Street station, the first modern electricity generating station.
  • Developed the hydroelectric project

    Developed the hydroelectric project
    Development begins on the Niagara Falls hydroelectric project, a massive plant designed to transmit power to Buffalo, NY, more than 20 miles away
  • Natural monopoly

    Natural monopoly
    Insull suggests that the utility industry is a natural monopoly, meaning that it is an industry in which having a sole provider serves the common good.
  • Power companies

    Power companies
    Wisconsin enacts the first law designed to regulate power companies. The law creates a commission to set rates for private utilities.
  • The Public Utility Holding Company

    The Public Utility Holding Company
    PUHCA establishes an absolute obligation to serve all consumers as quid-pro-quo for a guaranteed rate of return to each utility monopoly.
  • Beginning of household appliances

    Beginning of household appliances
    These are the boom year of the electric power industry. Economies of scale make electric power affordable and a host of new household appliances make it indispensable.
  • Fuel used to generate electricity

    Fuel used to generate electricity
    Until now, the electric power industry has become increasingly efficient in fuel consumption
  • President Dwight D. Eisenhower

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower
    He makes his “Atoms for Peace” speech before the United Nations, advocating for the peaceful use of nuclear power.
  • The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

    The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
    OPEC launches an oil embargo to protest U.S. Middle East policy. This leads to a dramatic increase in not only the cost of oil but also of electricity-generating fuels, including coal.
  • Energy Policy Act

    Energy Policy Act
    Congress passes the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The act includes repeal of PUHCA, which supporters claim will lead to greater investment in utilities.
  • Electricity consumer increased

    Electricity consumer increased
    Thousands of electricity consumers in New York lose power as the system struggles and ultimately fails to keep up with demand triggered by summer heat.