Energy History

  • Ben Franklin

    Ben Franklin
    Proved static electricity and lightning were the same thing.
  • Thomas Davenport

    Thomas Davenport
    Invented the electric motor, still used in appliances today.
  • Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse
    Invented the Electric Telegraph, making sending messages long distance so much easier.
  • Charles Brush

    Charles Brush
    Invented the generator which was able to produce a steady current of electricity.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Invented a long lasting incandescent lightbulb.
  • J. Spangler

    J. Spangler
    Invented first electric vacuum cleaner
  • W. Carrier

    W. Carrier
    Invented first electric air conditioning system.
  • Charles Ginsburg

    Charles Ginsburg
    First electric tape recorder.
  • Dr. Martin Cooper

    Dr. Martin Cooper
    Invented first portable handset phone

    Automatic Teller Machines invented (ATM's).