
  • Period: 1541 to


    Where: Colombia
    It started in 1571 where they found the first oil springs, in 1918 they found the first oil hole. And in 1951 the company Eucopetrol was made.
  • Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    Where: Europe
    Theories or ideas that marked science as we know today, like galileo, Aristoteles, and Copernicus
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Where: United Kingdom The Industrial Revolution marks a turning point in history, modifying and influencing all aspects of everyday life in one way or another. It made people even wealthier, healthier and better
  • Agriculture Revolution

    Where: United Kingdom
    This is where the production of agriculture increased its production. It changed from hunting to producing its own food
  • Period: to

    Colombian Industry

    It started with factories of sulfuric acid, crockery, and cotton fabrics that began, and it almost died in the “cradle”. Since they could not overcome the natural obstacles.
    The second part was better for the production of iron, whose origin is confused with feats of independence, which look for lead and iron minerals to create cannons and ammunition for the Spanish conquest.
  • Demographic Revolution

    Demographic Revolution
    Where: England
    Consisted of new methods to prevent the transmission of diseases, this was based on the discoveries of infection