Economy and Development

  • Sep 26, 1500

    Amerindian Trading System

    Amerindian Trading System
    Barter system (Where the value of objects are defined according to one’s needs). Happened between families, groups and various tribes (the Iroquois of the st-Lawrence Valley and the Algonquians). Iroquois traded farming surplus and algonquians' traded their hunting surplus. Also traded items such as maps and food.
  • Sep 26, 1500

    European Fisheries

    European Fisheries
    Fishing was in high demand because in the Catholic religion, meat was banned on certain days throughout the year so they had to eat fish. The europeans had to bring it back to Europe which took a couple of weeks so it was often disgusting (dried which was like fish mashed potatoes, salted was less gross, also could have smoked it but less common), Fished close to Labrador and Newfoundland island and in the gulf of St. Lawrence (mostly cod fish because numerous)
  • Sep 26, 1500

    Fur Trade

    Fur Trade
    Amerindians offered furs to the Europeans and in return, they game metal objects (pots and knives). Both products that they were receiving were very valuable to one another. Europeans made coats and mostly hats from the beaver pelts (ugly but in style). Fur trade was an easy way to make profit.
  • Period: Sep 26, 1500 to

    Economy and Development

  • Relationship between Europeans and Amerindians

    Relationship between Europeans and Amerindians
    The europeans were taking advantage of the amerindians without a doubt. The amerindians would have to give them beaver pelts the length of the gun they were trading for. The amerindians didn't understand the very high value (because of how bad the europeans needed it) of their furs. Alliances with the amerindians were very important for the french because of this.
  • One Hundred Associates

    One Hundred Associates
    This company was founded by Cardinal de Richelieu in 1627.It was financed by around 100 french shareholders.It was part of the chartered company system,a system based on privileges and obligations. Privileges:Only those with the rights were allowed to fur trade (although others did it).Obligations: Administrate and develop the colony although that did not happen).The 100 associates were supposed to populate the colony of New France but didn't because more people meant less business for them.
  • Huron-Wendats

    The Huron-Wendats were the biggest supplier of fur because of their demographical location (great lakes region). The iroquois nations were running out of fur so they fought the Huron-Wendats. The Hurons were almost completely whipped out and they had to spread out around different territories.
  • The economy of Fur

    The economy of Fur
    The only reason the europeans are in north america is because of the infinite amount of fur. The amerindian and the french would hold trading fairs where hundreds of amerindians would come to the trading posts in Quebec, Trois-Rivieres and Tadoussac (later Ville-Marie). The native alliance did all the hunting for the europeans. They had to explore the territory to continue finding furs therefore New France was always enlarging in territory.
  • Hudson's Bay Company

    Hudson's Bay Company
    The most popular fur trade company. Later competed against the Northwest company. Merged later after the decline in fur trade because there was not enough business for both of them and the fur trade needed up being based in Hudson Bay.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is designed to make the king rich. All the products collected in New France, have to be shipped back to France. They are then transformed into products like hats and jackets and then shipped back to New France to be sold. The only reason they were shipped back to France was so that the king could make money. The whole system made no sense, unless you were the king. This is why there was 0 incentive to go to New France, you couldn't start a business, there was no money to be made.
  • Mercantilism

    Mercantilism is a way of financial organization. European countries thought it was essential to possess as much gold as possible and they thought this could be done by exporting more than they could import. They took in natural resources from colonies they had control over and then converted them into finished goods and sold them. France later realized that they needed to expand New France or they would lose their land so they abolished this, brought Jean Talon in and so on.
  • Other Colonies

    Other Colonies
    New France: Started small but grew in size, small population, sole purpose is to export natural resources like fur back to France, mercantilism
    13 colonies: Small size, big population, focused on diverse farming like tobacco, cotton as well as fur trading, no mercantilism
  • Agricultural Activity

    Agricultural Activity
    Agriculture was an activity of subsidence (providing for your family) during the french regime. Mainly wheat. The kids would help by clearing the land. Jean Talon tried to diversify the economy but it failed because the demand for fur was too high and not enough people were skilled.
  • Creation of the North-West Company

    Creation of the North-West Company
    The North-West Company was creating in 1783 after the American Revolution and later merged with the Hudson's Bay Company in 1821. It was created by Montreal merchants and their main competition was the Hudson's Bay company but after the fur demand declined, they had to merge with them because of the lack of business for both of the companies.
  • Decline in the Fur Trade

    Decline in the Fur Trade
    After the change in empire, the furs from the Province of Quebec/New France were sent to Great Britain instead of France but, the Napoleon wars began a decline in fur trade. The change in empire brought over Scottish, english and American Merchants who took over the fur trade business from the French-Canadians.
  • Timber Economy

    Timber Economy
    The British had a huge control over this because it was very expensive but in 1806 Napoleon imposed a continental block against Great Britain in the goal to conquer all of Europe.This created a rise in the demand of timber and the Canadian timber industries took off.The timber economy caused the opening of new regions (to get trees),new jobs were made like lumberjacks,loggers and sawmills. There was improvements and developments of transportation like canals, railroads and steamships (important)
  • Economic Policies

    Economic Policies
    The trade with Britain was doing great until Britain ended it's preferential/protectionism treaty with Canada so that the could explore new markets, Free Trade replaced it. Free Trades means there is no customs or duties on products or places. Canada had to find a new trade alliance so they signed a reciprocity treaty (free trade, customs and duties temporarily ceased) good for 10 years with the USA in 1854. Canada is benefiting because they USA has a big population so lots of clients
  • Population Changes

    The national policy favoured immigration. From 1871-1901, the population of Quebec and Canada rose 30-49%. The Quebec birth rate was very high but people kept leaving quebec. People were moving to urban centers because of the new unskilled labor demands. There was better jobs in the USA, Ontario and Western Canada so there was large emigration. Early unions and strikes were started (if you could form one, there was better working conditions)
  • Population Changes

    Population Changes
    Unions were groups of workers that got together and assured/protected their rights. The rich lived well but most did not. Pollution was everywhere, no piped water, poor sanitation, diseases were rampant, most of the working class didn't have enough food. 1/3 child didn't live to their first birthday (high infant mortality rate)
  • The Nationalist Policy of MacDonald

    The Nationalist Policy of MacDonald
    Three main points: (1)Encourage immigration, especially in Western Canada to stimulate growth (2)Improve railway transportation to assure better circulation of goods and people (3) Impose custom duties on the importation of manufactured goods to protect Canadian industries from competition and to finance the construction of railway lines
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Steam engines take the coal to heat the water to make steam. Steam builds up pressure which makes the machines move. Coal is very important. It releases bad pollutants but it burns longer than wood.
  • First Phase of Industrialization

    First Phase of Industrialization
    FISH, FUR, TIMBER/WHEAT, DAIRY (mostly cheese)
    First phase consisted of making finished products. Men learned trades from craftsmen and became skilled. Factories changed, first assembly lines which were more efficient, boring and dangerous. These manufacturing industries were powered by coal/steam engines. The cities of Montreal, Trois-Rivieres and Quebec were developing, Montreal was especially important.
  • Sectors

    The exploitation of resources was done by sector and period. Sector 1: Electricity (electric power, appliances) Agricultural diversification (dairy), development of natural resources Sector 2: light industries producing everyday necessities (leather, shoes, clothing, food such as dairy, sugar, etc) later, others joined the light industry like paper, ore processing, chemical products and transportation materials. Sector 3: Jobs!! Creation of office workers, consumption increase,urban everything
  • Urban Expansion

    Urban Expansion
    Cities were developed. There was a concentration of services (transportation, hospitals, education) and infrastructures (aqueducts and sewers) in them. Unions were developed. They had high demands like better working conditions, living conditions, salaries, etc. and they had strikes and lockouts.
  • Opening of New Regions

    Opening of New Regions
    new regions were developed due to the development of different industries and the exploitation of resources. These regions include Abitibi, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Mauricie, Cote-Nord and Gaspesie.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression was caused by the stock market crash in 1929. People were buying shares in companies on borrowed money, when the stocks died, people went to retrieve their money but there was none. Black thursday was the day the great depression officially started (stocks dropped below zero, people were ruined, many committed suicide). The post war prosperity came to an end in the 30's because of the depression. Most sectors were hit hard, lots lost jobs, families were in major rations.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The governments solutions of the great depression were public work projects to boost the economy, work camps, direct aid and they encouraged farming. The start of world war 2 in 1939 led to a huge economic boost because of all the war supplies needed to be bought and so the depression came to an end.
  • Globalization of Quebec

    Globalization of Quebec
    Canada entered into 2 trade agreements recently; one with the with the USA for free trade in 1988 and one with Mexico called the NAFTA signed in 1933. This demonstrates the increasing effects of globalization
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    The quiet revolution/revolution tranquille began in Quebec in 1960. It started by the defeat of the Union national by jean Lesage and his liberal party. It was a rapid and far reaching process of social, economical, and political reform in Quebec in the 60's. It was the beginning of the welfare state and there was a massive increase of government intervention (took power from the church)
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    To try and catch up with the other places, Quebec had 3 goals. (1)To make the Quebec government the major force of Quebec's social and economic development they increased the role of the state in the 3 sectors (hydro-quebec, Trans-Canada expanded, Montreal metro). (2)To modernize quebec's educational system and to allow it to catch up to the other provinces in Canada.(3) To weaken the influence of the church and to end Quebec's political isolation
  • Capital

    The source of capital was in different economic sectors. The capital was concentrated in a small number of companies (some would be too powerful for other to compete in certain industrial sectors). Banks were also concentrated. Banks merged because big companies would need only 1 bank and so a small number of banks held most of the capital.
  • Economic cycles

    Economic cycles
    Phases of economic growth: 1st and second phase of industrialization, 1st world war, roaring twenties, 2nd world war and the post war period, quiet revolution, positive effect son globalization
    Phases of recession: Economic crises (181873-1879, 1929) The 30s, oil crisis of 1973, recession since the years 1980 and 1990, negative effects of globalization
  • Quebec's contemporary period

    Quebec's contemporary period
    Quebec is in the process of modernizing.Jobs are being moved away from rural or hard labour,education is becoming more present,union memberships doubled,etc Quebecers are upset they aren't getting paid equal to the english and don't have the same job opportunities.One of the largest projects was the James Bay hydroelectric dams created in the 1980s.Lastly, an oil crisis in the late 1970s led to a recession and the disengagement of the state, led to the privatization of Many government companies.