Economic Timeline

  • Great Recession begins, Monetary

    Great Recession begins, Monetary
    Economic decline observed in world markets
  • Economic Stimulus Act 2008, Fiscal

    Economic Stimulus Act 2008, Fiscal
    Present Bush signs the economic stimulus act of 2008, intended to bost economy and avoid another recession
  • DOW plunges 777, Fiscal

    DOW plunges 777, Fiscal
    House rejects the bailout plan causing the DOW to plunge 777 points in trade
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment act

    American Recovery and Reinvestment act
    Obama passes the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help lay a new foundation for new economic growth. Debt rises to 11 trillion
  • Financial Regulations Bill, Fiscal

    Financial Regulations Bill, Fiscal
    Aimed at preventing the risky behavior and regulatory failures that brought the economy to the brinks of collapse and cost millions of Americans their jobs.
  • Affordable Care Act, Fiscal

    Affordable Care Act, Fiscal
    Expands medicaid to millions of low-income Americans
  • Congress increase the Debt Ceiling, Fiscal

    Congress increase the Debt Ceiling, Fiscal
    Congress votes to increase the Debt ceiling, which allows us to have more debt