Early Earth Timeline

  • Period: 4567 BCE to 4467 BCE

    Planetary Accretion

    This is a process where small pieces of solid materials collided with each other and Accreted to larger bodies. As the body gets more massive, it also possesses a greater gravitational force which would attract more matter in colliding with it.
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 4300 BCE

    Formation of the Moon

    The Moon was formed by pieces of a collision between a small proto-Earth and another Planetoid about the size of Mars.
  • Period: 4500 BCE to 3800 BCE

    Planetary Cooling

    As the temperature of the earth reached 2000 degrees Celcius, denser materials sink to the bottom as lighter materials rise to the top. And during this planetary cooling, the planet settled out into a core, mantle, and crust. Most of the water vapor that was previously evaporated condensed into oceans during the cooling.
  • 3800 BCE

    End of the Heavy Bombardment

    End of the Heavy Bombardment
    This heavy bombardment refers to a period where the entire inner solar system suffered from an intense astroid strike
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1000 BCE

    Core formation

    I came across two sources with different theories during my research. The first states that the core was formed in the early stages of the earth because it was already starting to take shape when planetesimals joined together to form the earth. However, the other source states that the core was completely formed long after the earth taking shape. This is because of the cooling processes took about 1.5 billion years, and only after that, the core could be seen as completely formed.