developmental timeline

  • crawled

    This event is Important because it leads the way to learning how to walk.
  • walked

    This event is important because it is how we mainly get around and can show how healthy one is.
  • First word

    This event is important because this is how we communicate with others and it would be difficult if we couldn't talk
  • First day at school

    This event is important because it starts us on the path of knowledge and can help increase one's knowledge.
  • Puberty

    This is when one's body matures so this is a very important event in someone's life.
  • Got Drivers License

    This is when we can drive it gives us freedom and can help transport us to where we need to go.
  • First day on the job

    This is when people start making money and helps establish self-independence.
  • Graduated Highschool

    This is when we are done learning the basic information we need and where we start living on our own and supporting ourselves.
  • Married

    This is when 2 families come into one and can help develop our personality a little.
  • First Child

    In this event we are helping to populate the world with a new generation that could do amazing things for the human race.