Developmental Psych Timeline

By hlyman
  • Birth

    I was born at 11:32pm. 28 minutes before April Fools day
  • Infancy: Sleep

    I slept roughly 18 hours through infancy
  • Infancy: Language

    My first word was dad. All of my other siblings said mom first except me.
  • Infancy: Physical development

    I started walking when I was around 11 months old. I started walking while trying to chase my dog around the house.
  • birth of younger brother

  • Infancy: Cognitive development

    I had an obsession with pacifiers when I was young. I would even take my little brother's pacifier and have both in my mouth at once.
  • Early Childhood: Toddler age Sleep

    I slept roughly 10-12 hours a day as a toddler
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive development

    My earliest memory is playing with my golden retriever, Dexter, in the backyard. Ever since then, golden retriever have been my favorite breed of dogs because playing with him are some of my earliest memories,
  • Middle Childhood: Pre- school age Sleep

    I slept roughly 10-14 hours a day but most of that was at night but I did take nap during the day.
  • Middle/late Childhood: Cognitive development/social

    Middle/late Childhood: Cognitive development/social
    When I was 5, I moved from Southern California to Birmingham and it was a big change. I still think a lot of my influences come from being born and living in California for the beginning of my life and all of my siblings and my parents are from California and I modeled them growing up.
  • Middle/ late childhood: Cognitive development

    The memory strategy I used when I was a child was to make up songs and rhymes to help me remember things.
  • Late childhood: School age sleep

    I slept roughly 8-9 hours a night once I started elementary school.
  • Late Childhood: physical development

    I noticed a decline in my sense when I was about third grade age and I noticed I couldn't read the front white board unless I was a few feet away and I was the only kid like that. I went to the eye doctor and turns out I have extremely bad eyesight as I am currently legally blind with a prescription of -10.75
  • Adolescence: Sleep

    I tried to get 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • Adolescence: social

    When I was a sophomore in high school, I moved schools halfway through the year. It was a big change because I moved from a small country school, Mortimer Jordan, to a big preppy school, Mountain Brook.
  • Adolescence: cognitive development

    When i was in middle school and high school, my memory strategy was to write it down as many times as possible. When I was a sophomore in high school, I had to memorize the bill of rights and how i did that was just right each one sentence by sentence until i knew it.
  • Adolescence: language

    I took the equivalency of 5 years worth of french classes in high school but I only took my 3 years to complete those classes. I would consider myself fairly proficient in french because I still continue to use it because I am a french tutor to high school kids.
  • Graduated high school

    Graduated high school
  • Early Adulthood: Sleep

    I probably sleep 5-6 hours average a night but sometimes it's less than that or more depending on work and school
  • Early Adulthood: Cognitive Development

    The memory strategy I use now is similar to the one I used in high school except I don't just write it down over and over again but I read it over and over again and I listen to it over and over again.
  • Early Adulthood: Health

    When my oldest brother was 12, I was 6 or 7, he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. My grandfather also has type 2 diabetes. That's about the only history of disease in my family that I know of. With diabetes in my family, I just make sure that I eat healthy and I exercise and I know to have my kids tested at a young age for diabetes when I do have kids.
  • Early Adulthood: emotional development

    I have anxiety so I get very nervous and anxious really easily. The way I deal with stress is probably not the best but I cry to relieve stress. If I can feel myself getting over worked or over stressed, I will watch a sad movie or listen to sad music to make myself cry. I feel so much better after I cry and I feel less stressed.
  • Early Adulthood: Identity

    When I describe myself, the words I use most are: Mormon, ginger, college student, waitress. I feel like my religion is a big part of who I am because a lot of my morals and beliefs are based off of that. I spend most of my time either working on school work or working at a restaurant in Homewood so I use those to describe who I am because it takes up a lot of my time.
  • Early Adulthood: Personality

    My personality test says I don't typically seek out new experiences, I have a messy desk, I tend to shy away from social situations, I'm considerate of other people's feelings, and I tend to become anxious or nervous. I would agree with just about all of that. All of those have been fairly consistent throughout my life.