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David Bloor (1942 - Present Day)

  • David Bloor Early Life

    David Bloor Early Life
    David Bloor was born in Derby, United Kingdom in 1942. Since an early early age, he found his love for physiology and philosophy. 1972, he graduated the University of Edinburgh where he received his PhD. He was very passionate about and wrote many books on the Kuhn - Popper debates.
  • Knowledge and Social Imagery

    Knowledge and Social Imagery
    In 1976 David Bloor wrote a book named “Knowledge and Social Imagery”. This book explains his ideas and plans on advocating a strong program in the sociology of scientific knowledge. There have been many people who have claimed this book has been one of the most influential science studies of all time, but yet it has also been neglected. There have been many editions made to this book. “Like many features of a landscape, knowledge looks different from different angles” - David Bloor.
  • David Bloor’s Contribution to the World

    David Bloor’s Contribution to the World
    David Bloor contribution to the world was massive. He so strongly disagreed with the Actor Network Theory that he wrote a powerful article called “Anti-Latour”. He did not believe that Human and Non-Human should be treated in a “Equivalent manner.” David Bloor received the John Desmond Bernal Prize in 1996 by the Society for Social Studies of Science for his outstanding contribution to the field.
  • Educational Video

    Educational Video
  • Modern Day

    Modern Day
    In modern times, David Bloor is currently a staff member at the University of Edinburgh in Scottland where he originally attended. At age 78, he is still providing new information for younger minds to learn from. He has played a significant role to this world in modern science.
  • References:

    2020, https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/users/dbloor. Accessed 3 Dec 2020. "Science, Technology And Innovation Studies: David Bloor". Stis.Ed.Ac.Uk, 2020, http://www.stis.ed.ac.uk/people/academic_staff/bloor_david. Bloor, David. Knowledge And Social Imagery. Routledge And Kegan Paul, 1976