Immigration (Cultural War)

  • Early American Immigration Issues

    American immigration dates back to the late 1700s. People were to America before that but it wasn't technically referred to as "immigration" because there were no laws in place to decide if this action was legal. However when the Constitution was created in 1787 things began to change for these foreign settlers. When they would immigrate to America they had few limitations, however they certainly weren't welcomed with open arms. Some states even created and enforced immigration laws.
  • Naturalization Act

    Naturalization Act
    This Act gave whites the opportunity to apply for citizenship as long as they had been in the US for at-least two years. These were the first national citizenship laws.
    The Naturalization Act under the Orthodox view enabled white males immigrants to earn citizenship but opposed the Progressive view by not recognizing indentured servants, slaves, and most women.
  • Alien and Sedition acts

    Alien and Sedition acts
    The fear of immigrants siding with France sparked these laws. Immigrants that were considered a threat could be deported or imprisoned. These acts also made it harder to become a citizen. Progressive: They supported French immigration and when speaking out publicly often found themselves imprisoned by the Federalist.
    Orthodox: The Federalist Party did not want the French influence to taint the government and religious beliefs.
  • The Know Nothings

    The Know Nothings
    This was the first Major progressive party in the US to oppose immigrants and and followers of the Catholic Church. Orthodox view: They feared the Catholics would be more loyal to the Pope than the government. It was a secret organization of middle class who would not divulge their religious background. It lost power because it would not take a stand on slavery.

    Progressive view: Supported the personal freedom of Catholic Immigrants over their Catholicism beliefs.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    This amendment granted citizenship to people born in the US as well as people who were naturalized. It was very significant because now former slaves could also be citizens.
    Orthodox view did not want to see all people given rights and citizenship because they were culturally and religiously different .
    Progressives saw this as a way to move the country forward with the ideals that all people are created equally. It changed the course of our Countryś history.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    This law limited the amount of immigrants that could enter the US based on a National origins quota. Asians were not included.
    Orthodox View: They valued the restrictions on who should enter our country and the requirements to gain citizenship, The act slowed down immigration.
    Progressive View: They sided with Asian immigrants who were excluded completely from being consider to immigrate.
  • Homeland Security Act of 2002

    Homeland Security Act of 2002
    The Department of Homeland Security was established to safeguard the national security of the US after the attacks of 9/11.
  • Trump declares National State of Emergency for security wall.

    Trump declares National State of Emergency for security wall.
    President Trump, after not receiving support from the Democratic party to build a wall to keep immigrants out of our country, declares a State of Emergency to fund the project.

    The Orthodox view feels our country´s moral and religious fiber is being destroyed through human trafficking, drugs and crime from illegal immigrants from Mexico.

    The Progressive philosophy wants inclusiveness and the well being of human kind; thus inside our borders is a way to find refuge.
  • Analysis

    Immigration has changed to include war on our own soil through terrorism. The threat of immigrants coming to America to harm our citizen’s forever changes this issue. Some Illegal immigrants are responsible for drugs, human trafficking, violence and crime.
    Many of the compromises have come from legal decisions which have shaped immigration laws.
  • Predictions

    I think our future Presidents, Congresses, House of Representatives will determine how our country handles immigration. If the government has a majority of Republicans making policy, it will be stricter with an Orthodox mindset. If we see Democrats in control, there will be a more inclusive immigration policy through a progressive philosophy.
  • Citiations

    Little, B. (2017, September 07). The Birth of 'Illegal' Immigration. Retrieved from Glass, A. (2012, March 26). U.S. enacts first immigration law, March 26, 1790. Retrieved from Know-Nothing Party. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Citations continued...

    Editors, H. (2009, November 09). 14th Amendment. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Future of Immigration?

    Under a Republican President, there has been a strict policy toward illegal immigrants. People, from other countries, seeking citizenship find it a difficult and long process. II know this from current events, news and discussions with my family.