Cultural Roots

  • Affluent Community

    Affluent Community
    Growing up in Austin, Texas I have consistently been surrounded by a diverse community. Having classmates of different family backgrounds, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses, starting all the way back in kindergarten, has helped me develop into an open minded individual.
  • American Pastime

    American Pastime
    By the age of eight I was consumed with club softball. During my twelve-year career, I was able to meet so many amazing families from across the country, coming from so many different walks of life. I enjoyed being able to witness that no matter what culture surrounds us as individual, we could all come together for the love of the game. During my experience I learned so much about myself, how to have confidence, preserver, and work together as a team.
  • Italian Heritage

    Italian Heritage
    My father's Italian heritage has played a part on our family dynamics over the years. Holiday's such as birthdays, Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving are all occasions filled with lots of pasta dishes and loud joyous voices.
  • Divorce

    My parents separated when I was in the sixth grade. During this emotional time, affection was show with material possessions from both parents. While hugs, kisses, and kind words were shared, it was the "things" my parents thought would make the situation better. As any young child I loved getting new things as a "sorry about this two home situation". Today, I reflect back and agree with the research, spending time is more valuable than spending money (Spend Time, Not Money, December 2016).
  • Elders as Role Models

    Elders as Role Models
    My paternal grandmother is someone I looked to for constant guidance. She constantly emphasized the importance of caring for others. Her weathered frame was viewed as experience in our eyes. I had spent many Saturday afternoons volunteering with her Ladies of Charity church group, passing out clothing to those who were homeless, preparing for upcoming job interviews. I attribute my current career in public service to her teachings of morals and compassion for others.
  • Interracial Marriage

    Interracial Marriage
    By the time my high school sweetheart and I tied the knot, I had already been exposed to so many new traditions and values within his Hispanic culture. I quickly understood that affection was most valuable by spending quality time together. No gifts or extravagant trips together, but those evenings when everyone happens to end up at the grandparents house for dinner, just to hang out. Our marriage has also made it apparent that not all cultures are accepting of mixed cultures around them.
  • Diverse Family

    Diverse Family
    I’ve been fortunate enough to marry into a culturally rich family. I have in-laws who are not only a variety of races, but I am also surrounded by different childhood experiences and beliefs regarding the multicultural dynamics. Regardless of our differences, they are most happy by just spending time together. After ten years, my values and beliefs regarding family have conformed similar to their cultures. It's not about things, yet it is simply about being there for each other.
  • Age Equality

    Age Equality
    My husband’s culture does not believe in sending their elders to nursing homes; It is not something that would even be an option. I’ve seen all ailing family members be taken in by those who can care for their loved ones within his family. Regardless of how much of a burden it may place on the caregiver, they see it as a duty to care for those who once cared so much for them. Witnessing their compassion for others as has shaped my views on our elderly population immensely.
  • Family Network

    Family Network
    My immediate family, and in-laws, all live within ten minutes of each other. Our family is a network we rely on for not only care for our children, but to provide support for one and other during a time of need. Although we may not talk everyday, everyone knows that it would only take one phone call and we would be on our way. My family and extended family are my closest friends, confidants, and cheerleaders in life.
  • Family Bubble

    Family Bubble
    Within my family and culture, the idea of an “invisible bubble” seems to be unknown by many. Although the Western Culture is well aware of personal space, it consistently gets overlooked within my own family. Shattering that "invisible bubble" is almost viewed as a way to show affection. By getting close, trying to horse around and annoy another sibling is done to show we enjoy each other's company.