Hat with cuffs

Criminal Justice

  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    The very first step to getting your criminal justice degree would be to graduate high school. Since you can't easily get a job without graduating, this is a big step.
  • Go To College

    Go To College
    After you graduate high school you will need to go to college to study and learn about criminal justice. I would plan on going to Central Michigan for 4 years since that is how long I would need to go to college for.
  • Internship

    After college, I would plan on going to watch people do this job so then that way I can get hands on experience before I apply for this job. Most jobs that require a criminal justice degree, you have to have hands on experience before you start an actual job.
  • Start Searching For Jobs

    Start Searching For Jobs
    Depending on what field you want to go into for criminal justice, you would need to start searching for a job. I would want to be a crime scene investigator so i would have to look for jobs that are hiring people for that.
  • Crime Scene Investigator

    Crime Scene Investigator
    After you find your job, it will take you a while to prove yourself. So always try your hardest and make sure you pay attention to everything that is told to you. One day you might even get a raise.