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    Preventing Pregnancy

    Some ways to prevent pregnancy is by deciding a method of birth control. There's a variety to choose; from medications to condoms. It's suggested to talk to your health care provider of possible birth control. "...the most effective birth control methods can fail. But your chances of getting pregnant are lowest if the method you choose always is used correctly and every time you have sex"(Health Unit7)
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    What is contraception

    "Contraception is the use of various devices, drugs, agents, sexual practices, or surgical procedures to prevent conception or impregnation (pregnancy)." (Health Unit 7)
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    STD, sexually Transmitted Diseases is something no one wants to get. Condoms are thought to keep it all back but in fact, the chance of a sperm meeting an egg is still very likely to happen. "'Only condoms have been proven to reduce the risk of getting some STDs.'" (Health Unit 7)
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    I don't know anyone personally,but I have heard of people in my school talk about people being pregnant.