
  • Filming the band performance

    Today we filmed th eband performance for our music video . This is the link of the screenshots of the footage we took and some the photos from the photoshoot
  • Shot list for the narrative

    In today's lesson we created a shot list of all of the clips we want to capture for our narrative filming which is going to be set in a house
  • Filming the narrative

    Today we filmed the narrative section of our music video, our initial idea was to use a lightbox to improve thelighting however we found out that the lighting in house was enough to show the whole scenario
  • Splitting our music video into sections

    In order for us to simplify the editing process, we decided to split our music video into 3 sections, these are the beginning, the middle and the end. Stephen was selected to edit the beginning of the music video while Sarah will edit the last section of the music video and I will edit the middle section of the music video. We found it easier to edit the music video into sections as we don't have to use a single computer and individual access to the editing software will quicken the process of e
  • Starting the editing process

    Today we started editing our sections using a software called Final Cut Pro. We splitted the song into three sections and imported it on Final Cut, we then started choosing the clips we would like to use for our music video.
  • Syncronizing clips to audio

    Now that we are familiarised with Final Cut Pro we started paying attention to the syncronisation of the music video e.g. moving the drum instrumental to 0,1 milisecond forward to fit the beats of the audio
  • Editing the narrative clips

    Today we continued editing the narrative clips, we compared all of the three sections to analyse the speed of the alterations of band performance to the party scene, this helped us to make the video more in sync to the audio and maintain an upbeat "feel" to the video
  • Combining the three sections together

    As soon as we finished our individual sections of the video we decided to combine all of the three to see the whole outcome, from this we recognised a few camera angles that we can change in able to keep the consistecny of the transitions throughout the music video