Computer History of 1990

By romerob
  • The first screenshot program

    A screenshot capture program named Snagit was first released in 1990.
  • Microsoft release windows 3.0

    Microsoft released Windows 3.0, a completely new version of Microsoft Windows. The version will sell more than 3 million copies in one year.
  • Dial up is introduced for the first time

    The World, the first commercial Internet dial-up access provider comes online.
  • Intel release processor

    Intel released the 80386SL processor that uses low power and found in many portable computers.
  • IBM releases Microprocessor

    IBM released the POWER1 microprocessor, which features out-of-order execution.
  • Major computer events in 1990

    Major computer events in 1990
    In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee, working with Robert Cailliau at CERN, proposed a 'hypertext' system, which is the first start of the Internet as we know it today.
  • Microsoft exceeds $1 billion in sales

    Microsoft exceeds $1 billion in sales
    Microsoft exceeded $1 billion in sales and became the first company to do so in 1990.