
  • comprise of 1850

    comprise of 1850
    congress had to debate on if the new territories should be admitted won from mexico as a free state or a slave state. Henry clay was the one who made the compromise between them. The compromise was California would be admitted as a free state and Congress would not pass laws banning the rest of the territories from slavery.
  • Fugitive slave act of 150

    Fugitive slave act of 150
    the act in 1850 was passed because any slaves that had fled to the North to escape bondage could be captured and sent back to the South. the law heightened lots of tension.
  • Attack of Harpers ferrry

    Attack of Harpers ferrry
    John brown wanted to inspire a lot of slave states to fight for there freedom. Brown had a plan to capture the arsenal to arm the slaves. unfortunately when he sent word to rally the slaves none came.Brown and his men were captured and killed. After that the issue of slavery went into tension in america and was at a breaking point.
  • the election of 1860

    the election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln win the election because Lincoln did not say anything about ending slavery the southern states begin to secede from the union when Lincoln is elected president of the United States of america.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    due to the tariffs before southern states thought the tariffs only supported the North. Because the fedral government denied south Carolina they threaten to secede and Henry clay