Colton Burpo

  • Birth

    Colton Burpo was born in Imperial, Nebraska
  • Personal Background

    Colton Burpo was throwing up constantly and had very bad headaches
  • The Start

    At this point Colton's parents realized that what was happening to their son was not just the flu.
  • Hospital

    After the parents had realized that this was not just a virus but that something was seriously wrong they rushed him to the hospital
  • The Wait

    While waiting for a doctor in the lounge area Coltons mom was holding him and with Colton not moving at all
  • The News

    Finally Colton got a room and after a couple of weeks he was in the hospital the doctors told his parents that they would need to do surgery on their son because he had appendicitis which means his appendix had burst inside him.
  • The Miracle

    After Coltons surgery he was still asleep because of the medicine that is when he had a glimpse of heaven and woke up