Colonial Era Timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus encountered the new world for the first time

    Columbus led three ships, the nina, the pinta, and the santa maria, to find India to obtain riches, spices, and gold, but found America instead.
  • Apr 10, 1534

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence

    the king of France order Jacque Cartier to find spices, and gold, and a water passage to Asia from France.
  • Period: May 18, 1538 to May 10, 1543

    Hernando de soto's expidition to the southeast

    An expidition under the command of the king of spain, to explore the spanish territory of florida
  • Period: Feb 23, 1540 to Sep 10, 1542

    coronado's expedition from mexico to kansas

    shortly after the discovery of america the spanish people became obsessed with the idea that somewhere in the new world there was silver and gold mines
  • Sep 8, 1565

    spanish establish St. Augustine, Florida

    On september 8, 1565 Pedro Menéndez de Avilés landed on the shore of what is now called Matanzas bay and established spanish control
  • Period: to

    Attempted Roanoke Colony

    The Roanoke colony also known as the "lost colony" eastablished on Roanoke island, a attempt by Queen Elizabeth the first to establish a enlish settlement
  • Juan de Onate founded santa fe

    Juan de Onate was a explorer, spanish conquistador, and a governor of the santa fe province in the terriorty of spain
  • Jamestown, Virginia founded

    in 1607, english men arrived in North America to start a settlement in Jamestown virginia, which was named after king james. The settlement became the first settlement in North America
  • Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain tried to get an advantage on the fur trade and created a new settlement and he would call it Quebec "where the river narrow"
  • French began fur trade with Indians

    the french established a trading post on the site of present day city Quebec, the city became a fur trading center
  • John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia

    John Rolfe is remembered for having introduced tobacco as a crop to Virginia colonists. This product shaped the future of the colony and provided a economic incentive for furth expansion of the new world
  • First African slaves arrived in Virginia

    The first african slaves arrived at Point Comfort, 20 slaves from the ship White Lion were sold in exchange for food
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts founded

    The final landing site of the first voyage of the mayflower, and the location of the orignal settlement of the plymouth colony
  • Period: to

    Beaver Wars

    encouraged by their English and Dutch trading partners, the Iroquois sought to expand the fur trade and the trade with European markets, the conflict was the nations of the Iroquois and the other tribes
  • South Carolina colony founded

    The south carolina colony was founded in 1633 by eight english nobles, north and south carolina was one colony until 1729
  • Marquette and Joliet sailed down the Mississippi

    Marquette and joliet led Michilimackinac on may 17 1673, and headed south along Michigans pennisula to present day green bay, Wisconsin
  • The Pueblo Revolt

    The Pueblo revolt was a uprising of the Pueblo Natives against the spanards in the province of Santa fe de Nuevo Mexico
  • Pennsylvania Colony founded

    The pennsylvania colony was founded in North America by william penn on March 4, dicated in a royal charter granted by King Charles the second.
  • Georgia Colony founded

    after years of planning and months crossing the atantic ocean, James Oglethorpe and other colonists climbed up the savannah river and founded the colony of Georgia