Colonial America

  • Roanoke

    In what is today North Carolina, Roanoke was the first settlement that was established in 1585. 7 ships landed onto the land which was led by Sir Walter Raleigh. About a year later, they returned to England. In 1587, John White and a ship were sent back to the New World. He had to come back to England for more supplies which delayed the trip. In 1950, he finally got to the New World, but everyone had vanished.
  • Jamestown

    This was the first established colony in North America. John Smith was the leader of the journey. The first year was brutal because the people did not have any supplies or food. The Natives helped them and taught them to harvest. Their cash crop was Tobacco
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    This was a policy under the British government regarding trade regulations. It was meant to uphold the laws during the trade.
  • House Of Burgesses

    House Of Burgesses
    What is also known as the first Virginia government, the House of Burgesses was made up of the governor and a council. It was first established by Governor George Yeardley in 1619. Years after the formation, the council was split. This was because the council and governor liked to revise things and veto ideas as did the king in England
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    Pilgrims from England had come over to the Plymouth Colony in the 1620's. A few thousand came over. Another area some went was the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They came to the New World due to religious issues in England at the time. For years the Pilgrims had come over to the New World creating settlements that would last into present time.
  • Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower started sailing from England in September of 1620. The ship carried 102 passengers. On the ship to where they were hoping was the location near the Hudson River, they signed a compact (Mayflower Compact). It established their government. When they found land, it wasn't near the Hudson. It was Cape Cod. They struggled to create a settlement until they met Squanto. He helped them create Plymouth
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  • New York Colony

    New York Colony
    In 1626, the colony was founded by Peter Minuit It was named after the Duke of York and Albany. This settlement had good farming land, timber, and coal. It was governed by a Royal Colony. It was mainly founded for trade and profits
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    About one thousand settled in Massachusetts in 1630. The colony had obtained a charter that encouraged the company (Massachusetts Bay Company) to trade and colonize two towns next to a river. This was similar to the Virginia Company in 1609.
  • Maryland

    Maryland was settled by Lord Baltimore. He convinced King Charles I to give him 100 million acres of land. Unfortunately, Baltimore died before he could do anything with the land. His son, however, took over and gave 100 acres to every married couple that had settled there
  • Connecticut Colony

    Connecticut Colony
    This colony was founded by Thomas Hooker. The major cities in the colony Hartford and New Haven. While there, their agriculture included wheat, fish, and corn. The name "Connecticut" came from a Native Indian phrase saying, "river whose water are driven by tides or winds."
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was settled by Roger Williams in 1635 after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for going against government authorities. He found this colony where there was no religious persecution of Christians
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  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    This act was to make sure religious freedom was given to all settlers of the Maryland colony
  • Carolina

    This colony was founded by 8 of King Charles II men. In 1729, the colony became 2 separate ones from the French and Spanish fighting over the region.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    This rebellion started with a simple disagreement with some Indians on the Potomac River. The men chased the Indians north, and ended up slaughtering them. This caused the tribe to retaliate. The governor of Jamestown wanted to make a plan to make allies with the Indians. Others saw different. They found Nathaniel Bacon to lead the fight. They fought the allies. Nate was expelled from the council twice and burned down the town.
  • Pennsylvania

    This was a colony from 1682-1776 when it became a state from the rebellion against Great Britain
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    In Salem, young females would show odd behavior and throw fits. This scared the residents in the town and the girls would be considered witches. The towns people would see these girls deep in the woods doing witchcraft. The punishment could extend to being hung by a tree in front of the town.
  • Great Awakening/Enlightenment

    Great Awakening/Enlightenment
    The great awakening was a time for purifiers to scare people back into faith. Jonathan Edwards was one of these people who would scare people from stories of hell to scare them back to God. He gave a sermon called “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” which used facts and quotes about the devil to show he is evil
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The Albany Plan was made to put British North American colonies under a more centralized government (Controlled by one individual). 7 representatives of the colonies came together to create this plan. It didn't go through
  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    Both the French and the British had tension while in the America’s. The French had Indian allies against the British. The French had forts on the Ohio river, and the British tried to get rid of the French. This attempt failed, and they were defeated by the French. This war continued on for 7 years
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Made by the British, after the French Indian War, they used this to stop the Natives by checking their rights to the land. Due to this, the Natives started another war that lasted 1 year. It was the Pontiac’s War.