College Essay

By Kove
  • First time leaving the country

    I was either 7 or 8 and my mom and dad decided to go to ecuador to see all my moms relitive and go on vacation. When we arrived we walked off the plane and every single one on my relatives whom i didnt know and have never seen were waiting on the ground and cheering for us. Once i walked off the plane i was mauled by people i didnt know just smothering me with hugs and kisses.
  • surfing

    When i was about 8 years old my dad bought me a surfboard and we went on vacation to new jersey on the shore. The first day my dad brought me out on the board not very far off shore but for an 8 year old it felt like miles. the first wave that came he sent me on and before i could even think about standing up the nose of the board dove into the water and i went head over heels into the water. As we kept practicing for what seemed like hours i slowly started to get better and finally stood up.
  • Brothers birth

    When my mom told me she was pregnant i got so jealous and so angry that all could do was cry and scream, because i didnt her to have another kid. I thought if she had another kid they would love me as much and i would have to share everything and i would have to take carof him all the time. But when he was born all the jealousy and hatred went away and all the was was love because i had a little brother and i cant wait to teach him everything i knew because i knew everything being 8 years old.
  • Making Lunch

    Everyday when i wake up in the morning i walk down stairs and grab my lunch already made for me. MY dad wakes up 20 minutes early just to make me 2 sandwiches and put 4 clementines, a water bottle and a protien bar sometimes two. Since the first day of freshmen year my dad has made my life so much easier just by making me lunch.
  • The day i said goodbye to my mom

    On August 28th around 9:30 pm I said goodnight to my Mom. That next morning when i woke up Nobody was at my house except for my little brother. We were brought to the hospital by my Aunt and when we arrived we saw both saw our mom for the first time that horrible day and she lay motionless on the hospital bed with an IV in her right arm and she was attached to a heart moniter. My brother could take he looked away and climbed into my dads arm and looked away.