Cold War Timeline

  • Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speech"

    Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speech"
    Iron Curtain Speech- Winston Churchill was stating that the Russians have cut off Eastern-Europe from the Western-World and imposed communism on them.
  • West Germany Forms The Basic Law

    West Germany Forms The Basic Law
    The former zones of British, French, and American occupation officially become the state of West Germany after the adoption of a new German constitution known as the Basic Law. Elections are held and Konrad Adenauer becomes chancellor, a position he will hold until 1963.
  • The Korean War Begins

    The Korean War Begins
    Korean War Begins-This is the start of open conflict between the super-powers on both sides. Without becoming a "hot war" the major sides are fighting. This the beginning of some conflicts between the Americans and the USSR.
  • KGB formed

    KGB formed
    KGB formed- The KGB where an intelligent agent for the USSR from 1954 to the end of the Cold War. The Russians didn't trust everyone in the USSR so the KGB were always making arrests on suspects who they believed to be spy's/traitors. This allowed the Russians to have a better knowledge of what was happening in there empire but a lot of the time, it was corrupt.
  • Cuba Taken Over By Fidel Castro

    Cuba Taken Over By Fidel Castro
    Now that Cuba had been taken over by Fidel Castro, America would not be able to relax knowing that Cuba is situated only 90 miles away. If Castro decides to team up with China or Russia, America would have to be very cautious knowing that missile launches could happen.
  • Khrushechev visits united states

    Khrushechev visits united states
    Khrushechev visits united states; denied access to disneyland.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Bay Of Pigs invasion refers to the CIA sponsored American attack of the Cuban government in order to overthrow Fidel Castro. It was a tricky plan to execute as US was not in war with Cuba then. Though the US planned to appear “not being involved” in this attack and declared about their non-intention to intervene in Cuban affairs, Cuba had already approached the UN with the facts about the US training mercenaries for this planned invasion.
  • Apollo wins space race

    Apollo wins space race
    Lunar landing operations for the Apollo 11 crew officially began around 9:27 a.m. July 20, when lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin crawled through a tunnel separating the command module Columbia from the lunar module, Eagle, to power on the lander.
  • Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    Fall Of The Berlin Wall
    As the Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Europe, the spokesman for East Berlin's Communist Party announced a change in his city's relations with the West.
  • The Cold War Ends

    The Cold War Ends
    Once the Soviet Union crumbled officially, this marked the end of the Cold War as there was no one to fight. It would have been a great relief for for the countries in NATO as there wasn't a nuclear threat looming.