Cold War

By Avia21
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The allied leaders watnted unconditional surrender from Germany. They also discussed post-war plans during this conference.
  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The allied leaders discussed what they were going to do with Germany. They discussed repartations and they came to an agreement on disarmining and demilitarizing all of Germany
  • Division of Germany

    Division of Germany
    Germnay was divided into four parts, each part a country owned. The zones were decided during the Potsdam conference.
  • Iran Crisis

    The USSR left 30,000 troops in Iran after the Tehran Conference, both the UK and USSR had to remove all their troops. The soviets troops caused a communist uprising and the Iranian government told the British and America.
  • Kennan's "Long Telegram"

    Kennan's telegram to the U.S. was tp discuss Soviet's foregin policies and their conducts. He said how the Soviets are cruel and they are nothing but evil in the outside world. He also mentioned that the Soviets wanted to advance their Muscovite Stalinist ideology.
  • Churchill's "Iron Curtain" Speech

    Churchill's "Iron Curtain" Speech
    "An iron curtain has descended across the continent." This line was directly from Chuchill's speech. He was talking about how communism has spread through some eastern European countries.
  • Greece and Turkey

    The United States could not provide aid to Greece and Turkey anymore, instead they gave away $400 million dollars worth of "economic and military assistance". They wanted to show they could support the two countries so there wouldn't be a communist takeover. There was also "pro-communist" rebellions in Greece and in Turkey,
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    Truman believed that the United States had an obligation to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures" The aid that was sent to Greece and Turkey is an example of the Truman Doctrine being used. Truman also created this doctrine to help ensure that countries would be safe from communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan was similar to the Truman Doctrine, the Truman Doctrine would help European countries, they would help revive Europe. The United States gave away $13 billion dollars to Europe as an economic support.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Berlin was split into 4 regions, Stalin began to slowly block all roads and tracks to Berlin. By June 24th there was a total blockade, even the supply of electricity was cut off. American and British planes dropped off supplies through airplanes. However, by 1949, the Berlin blockade ended.
  • NATO

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the countries involved would help defend each other from communism and help protect its own country if communism was trying to take over. Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, Iceland, Luxembourg, United States, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Portugal were in NATO.
  • Russia and the Atomic Bomb

    Russia has developed their own atomic bomb, they made their atomic bomb faster than when the U.S. made their atomic bomb. This made the United Sates lose their "ace card".
  • China fell to Communism

    China fell to Communism
    During this time, China was having a Civil War that was between 1945-1949. China recieved little aid from the United States and they lost and became a communist country. However, in the White paper, they mentioned even with more U.S. help, the outcome would have still been the same.
  • McCarthyism

    Senator McCarthy began making accusations and how communism can be in American life. Everyone was suspiscious and anything unamerican would be considered a communist. He even believed that the Truman administration were communists.
  • NSC-68

    This was considered one of the key documents for the Cold War. It stated how all activities of communism could be traced to Moscow, and how the Soviet Union are growing in strength and their influence is increasing.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    North Korea sent over 90,000 troops to invade South Korea. The United States began to send aid in South Korea, by July 1st United States troops arrived in Korea. China got involved in the Korean war and brought 200,000 troops. Americans started suffering casualities and the war ended July 1953.
  • Brinkmanship

    Secretary of State, John Dulles and President Eisenhower discussed brinkmanship. Brinkmanship is the use of using massive threats and threatning to go to a nuclear war just to get the opponent to back off,
  • Cuban Revolution

    Fidel Castro led this first attack in Cuba around this time and he was arrested during this time. He got out of jail in 1955 and attacked again around December 2nd, 1956.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet Union, Albania, Poland, Romania, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria were in the Warsaw Pact. This was the Soviet's version of NATO, they would defend themselves and each other from Europe and the United States.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    U.S. troops began to head over to South Vietnam to help aid in defending themselves from the North Vietnamese. By 1969, over 500,000 troops were in Vietnam during this time to help with the conflict.
  • Castro the ruler

    Castro's third attack in Cuba along side other rebelious cubans made Batista leave. Castro began to make Cuba a communist country and this had a huge impact on the United States because communism was very close to them.
  • Sino-Soviet Split

    Sino-Soviet Split
    The USSR and the People's Republic of China(PCR) began to discuss ideological relations and political relations. The Sino-Soviet Split would last until 1989.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    President Kennedy sent 1,300 exiles over to Cuba to help overthrow Castro, however they were all caught and defeated. Castro knew of the plan and had defenses ready for the attack.
  • Berlin Wall

    This barbed wire wall was to to keep East and West Germany divided.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    President Kennedy received picturea and intelligence of Basslistic missiles in Cuba that were from the Soviet Union. This was the closest to the United States and the Soviet Union entering a nuclear war. By October 28th, the missiles were removed from Cuba.
  • Willy Brandt

    Willy Brandt
    He became West Germany's foregin minister. He implemented Ostpolitik, and he had a non-agression treaty with the Soviet Union.
  • Ostpolitik

    This was the normalization between East and West Germany, help get them working together on relations.
  • Nixon Doctrine

    The Nixon Doctrine allowed for the troops in Vietnam to come back and withdraw from the battle.
  • SALT 1

    SALT 1
    Discussed between Nixon and Brezhnev, they would both sign SALT 1 to agree to limited the number of nuclear missiles they would create.
  • Nicaraguan Revolution

    Opposition by the Somoza dictatorship led a rebellion in the country. A memmber from the Sandinista National Liberation Front overthrew the dictator.
  • SALT 2

    Between President Carter and Brezhnev, they would sign SALT 2 to further limit the number of nuclear weapons and armory each country could create. It also limited testing and SALT 2 came with restrictions.
  • Iran Contra Affair

    This was way for the Contras to get aid and supplies who were against the Sandinista government. The United States would sell to Iran, and Iran would give the money and weapons to the Contras.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    This was a missile defense system that would involve the use of satellites and lasers to help stop missiles from Russia. This was an idea from the space race, but it couldn't be implemented.
  • Invasion of Grenada

    This was the start of the invasion, the United States invades Grenada and overthrows their government.
  • Glatnost

    Idea of "openess", would help lead to a change in the Soviet Union
  • Perestroika

    Idea of "reconstruction", would lead a to different economic and political system.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    East Germany gave their people the right to leave and go over the wall to head over into West Germany. This led to the downfall of East Germany and their communist leader resigned
  • Soviet Coup and Dissolution

    The break of the Soviet Union was the end of the Cold War. The Soviet Union split inot 15 countries, Gorbachev resigned, and communism only remained in some countries