Cold war

Cold War

  • UNited States used atomic bomb

    United states was the first nation to use their weapons in wartime. they used it on Hiroshima.
  • Japan Surrenders End of WWII

    Japan surrenderd in the second world war, and the day was September 2, 1945.
  • Stalin Declares Cold War

    Stalin wanted to defeat the Capitalists because he knew that they didnt like him. And he wanted to see who would drop their weapon first
  • Truman Doctrine

    This is important because the U.S helps control communists, and the plan was to keep it from turning into a communism country.
  • Iron Curtain

    was important because churchill wanted to show that capitalism was way better than Communism. And to see that people should be free not separated.
  • Marshall Plan

    This was signed by President Truman and it was named after Secretary of State George Marshall. Its important because it helps rebulid the economy, and the united states gave them 18 billion dollars.
  • Communists take over Czechoslovakia

    this event lasted 4 days in february of the 21st through 25th. communists were mobilizing from below to take complete power.
  • Soviets exloded first atomic bomb

    The U.S was greatly shocked that the Soviet Union used their atomic bomb, and the U.S was not expecting them to use it soo soon.
  • Vietnam split at 17th parallel

    Vietnam split at 17th parallel
    South Vietnam fought to prevent being united with the communist leadership of North Vietnam.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    This was the Treaty of Frendship and it was to have countries help other countries and have their back. That is why they made an agreement, saying if you have are back we will have yours, if you dont we will come for you.
  • Sputnik launched into orbit

    Sputnik launched into orbit
    The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball. Also that launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientific developments. While the Sputnik launch was a single event, it marked the start of the space age and the U.S.-U.S.S.R space race.
  • Berlin Wall

    Germans fled to West Germany and they did not like the communists government. And the wall separated the two.
  • Berlin Border Closed

    Berlin Border Closed
    World War Two is over and Berlin is divided into four sections: The American, British, French in the west, and the Soviet Union in the east.the years between 1949 and 1961 about 2.5 million East Germans had emigrated from East to West Germany,
  • Joe McCarthy begins Communist Witch Hunt

    Joe McCarthy begins Communist Witch Hunt
    in February 1692, a few young girls from Salem, MA, feared they would be punished for dancing since their community believed dancing was directly linked to witchcraft.
  • U.S. marines sent to Dominican Republic to fight Communism

    U.S. military forces found themselves in the Dominican Republic protecting U.S. interests for the fourth time in 58 years.U.S. military forces deployed to the Dominican Republic under the false pretense of "protecting American lives." Eventually the true reason for this invasion, fear of Communism was uncovered.