
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Congresses effortt to enter Missouri into the Union as a slave states and not upset the slave free state balance.
    Multipe Compromise shut down
    Maine entered union as a free state Missouri as a slave
    NO more slavery North of the 36 30 line
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Discussed if slavery should be allowed in the territory
    Ended slave trade in D.C.
    Allowed for one more state to enter a free and slave
  • Fugative Slave Act

    Fugative Slave Act
    Federal law that required the capture and return of runaway slave
    Slaves put back into slavery even if they were free
    Many people in the North did not support the law
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Explained horrors of slavery
    Let the North see how slaves were treated
    Story of slaves that was whipped to death
    Started much controversy in the South
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Allowed people to decide if they wanted slavery in the territories
    Rejected 36 30 line
    Plan for transcontenetal railroad
    Many flocked to new territory to cast vote
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Slave whos Master took him into a northeren territory
    Claimed who was a free slave and brought his case to the US Supreme Court
    Supreme Court ruled against him and claimed he was no man and was property and that he can not be taken away
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Lincoln Douglas Debate
    Fought over slavery issue
    Both massive party and campaign
    Was a run for a senate seat
    Lincoln ran for republicans
    Lincoln Loses
  • Incident at Harper's Ferry

    Incident at Harper's Ferry
    John Brown planned to rob arsenal
    Wanted to start slave rebellion
    At first he got into the arsenal and was succesful
    Poor planned and were overrun
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Lincoln was nominated by the republican party
    Many people turned out not to like him
    He said that he did not want to mess with slavery
    Lincoln said he wanted to keep union together
  • Southern States form Confederacy

    Southern States form Confederacy
    Meet after the 6 states seceded
    Purpose was to form a new goverment
    Most states were gone when Lincoln was fully president
    Civil War started with bombarding of Fort Sumter