Civil war timeline

  • Missouri Compromise

    The states had a hard time figuring out what states should be free or slave, and how they would determine if a new state would be a slave state or a free stzte.
    There was a line that was drawn between the north and the south to determine what states would be free and what state would be slave after Missouri was claimed as a free state and Maine was claimed as a slave state.
  • The compromise of 1850

    The compromise claimed the state of California as a free state, and did not regulate slavery in the rest of the Mexican cession.
    This caused hostility between the north and the south because of both sides wanting an addition to their states.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms cabin showed the true experiences by slaves, and how terribly they are treated by their masters.
    This was so controversial because it started showing people reality and even changing peoples minds on slavery.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    Many people from the North and South to sway the votes of Kansas being a free state or a Slave state.
    This cause war for 5 years, and almost 50 people were murdered due to aboltionists and pro slavery supporter tesions.
  • Dred Scott V. Stanford

    Dred Scott was a Slave who went to court to gain freedom from being slave. , he tried to sue for his freedom.
    he case eventually rose to the level of the Supreme Court, where the justices found that, as a slave, Dred Scott was a piece of property that had none of the legal rights or recognitions afforded to a human being
  • Abraham Lincolns Election

    Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 and this sparked an outrage because southerners felt threatened.
    Lincoln challenged slavery and had an anti slavery party, which triggered southern states.